
Hi All,

Hope someone can answer this query for me,

Device in VVI,  Ventrical sense >99%

Ventrical pace <1%.

Thanks if you can let me know, 



What's the question?

by AgentX86 - 2019-06-05 22:54:21

VVI == (V)entricle pacing (V)entricle sensing (I)nhibit pacing on sense

So, it sits there looking for a heartbeat, when it finds it, it inhibits pacing.  If it doesn't see it in some predertermined time, it generates a ventricular pacing pulse - the minimum heart rate.

So, you're sensing a beat 99% of the time and pacing 1%.  99% of the time, your pacemaker is doing nothing but watching.

You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

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Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.