Nuclear Stress test with imaging

I was told i have sick sinus syndrem and a 2 lead pace maker was put in me . With in 2 months my systems came back . A nuclear stress test was ordered the scans show low blood flow while resting but mostly normal while stressed . I wish I could load the scan for you to see because I can not find any scans showing what mine did.The dr has not got back to me yet so I have no clue what it means . I am concerned because at this point they dont believe what I am saying and at this point are sujesting healthy living classes !?! 


Next step?

by AgentX86 - 2019-03-21 10:55:03

If you don't get the answers you're looking for, look for someone who has them. You need a second opinion from someone who deals with the tough cases. You really need to go to a top notch cardiologist. For anything other than the ordinary (and that includes ANY surgery) a university teaching hospital is often the best choice. In your case, I'd go to either OSU or Cleveland Clinic, even if it is a bit of a distance.

Do NOT accept anyone saying that it's all in your head. Keep pushing. If you have a spouse, let him play the bad cop. It works.

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