Ectopic beats after a unrelated injury?

Hi all. This is my first post. I'm 35 and had my PM last year for bradycardia. My rate would go as low as 32 and referred around 45 on average. I was very symptomatic and eventually I got given a PM. This helped so very much! 

Around 6 months ago though I had a car crash which injured by back and neck. I'm still in pain now but far less than I was from these injures. However around the time of the crash and ever since I've developed a lot of extra beats. Mainly upper chamber ectopics. I also get chest pain more and out of breath. I take beat a blockers daily and have for as long while without issue. I called the PM clinic ergo suggested stress (physical. From the injury) is likely the cause. 

It has been months though and not much has changed. Perhaps it's slightly improved. I still get so many episodes daily though. My question is has anyone else experienced this? How long does it last? Did you need treatment to resolve?

A little extra info if it helps; I have a dual lead/chamber pm. My pace is set to kick in at 50. 

My range daily is often 46 to 220 

My pm paces roughly 49% on the top lead and 2% bottom lead. Which I'm lead to believe only needs to kick in if the signal is lost between top and bottom.

Sorry for the long explanation and thank you in advance




by Gemita - 2019-01-04 14:46:36

Ladyjay. I am sorry you are so troubled by ectopics. They can make us feel miserable especially if they are frequent or prolonged. I also have a dual chamber PM for low heart rates/pauses when in normal sinus rhythm. Unfortunately I have several arrhythmias including Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter and also Atrial Tachycardia.  I also have bundle branch block (right) and am plagued by plenty of ectopic beats in upper and lower chambers of my heart which often seem to trigger my other arrhythmias, so I take them very seriously. I have noticed since PM implant an increase in my arrhythmias and also in my ectopics. I suggest you speak to your doctors to see whether (1) a course of a beta blocker might help to calm them (2) ask for another PM check to see whether your settings are right for you (3) ask for further checks on your heart like stress echo, or more invasive angiogram to check coronary arteries, or blood tests to check electrolytes especially potassium/magnesium levels, thyroid function, check for anaemia. In meantime try not to worry - your pacemaker is recording everything and if a serious arrhythmia is seen you will be notified

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It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.