Fightsport with pm in abdominal muscles

Hey guys,

I have a pm in my abdominal submuscula, or in normal words, beneath the muscles of my upper abs. The placement is just under one of my ribs. I got my pm in 2012 so it's been a while now and I am completely used to it being there and mostly know what I can and cannot do with it. For example, I know I can work out and lift heavy weights with it just fine, but I cant trains abs with added weights or ab-weight-machines, or else my pm will displace. Lately, I've been very interested in contact sports, sports like boxing and such. I even went and took some trial lessons of krav maga and kung fu. But because of proposed risks, I'm not completely at ease with making the choice of practising one of those sports. I told all my sparring partners about my pm and where its placed so they won't hit me too hard but it can of course always happen by accident.

Is it a big risk for me to partake in these type of heavy contact sports? Can my pm break when I get hit hard enough in my belly, or is it perfectly fine, since its padded in muscle and half covered with a rib..?


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