Pimps on left chest after 4 days of surgery

Hello everyone!

I am almost fifth day after pacemaker change. However, I have noticed under my scar, near chest small minor pimps. I wonder what can it be? Is it allergy from iodine? Marcs from plaster because it was big one first day? 

Or it can be infection?

i am still in hospital but I am not sure if it is at all worth asking. I will have tomorrow checking on me from my proffessor so i am going to ask him. I just wonder right now what it possibly can be. 


It IS worth asking

by Gotrhythm - 2018-05-06 16:25:32

Infection is nothing to mess with. Until the wound is completely healed the wires are a highway for germs, leading straight to your heart.

It could be allergy, but don't take any chances that it could be infection. If it is, it needs to treated ASAP.

I will

by inetha - 2018-05-06 16:30:37

Thank you, i will for sure ask. 

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You have a $50,000 chest.

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