What's up with people born in 1966?

In my opinion this is getting a bit odd. I have been looking at members profiles. It appears that there are a lot of us born in 1966. Myself included. So if I think we should start a 66 club. It would be cool.

Let me know what you think.


ditto sounds cool idea

by allanrogers - 2007-12-09 06:12:43

I was also born in 1966

me i am 66 lol haha

by jessie - 2007-12-09 08:12:24

ha ha my daughter was born in 65. she doesn't have one but most of you could be my kids. lol jessie


by Gellia2 - 2007-12-10 08:12:10

graduated high school in '66. Does that count? LOL
Must have been a very good year.

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