Why only ten most recent?

Why, all of a sudden do only ten of the most recent posts/messages appear when I click on "recent messages" on the left column?..... I had changed that to bring up 25 or so. I can't find where I change it again..

I must be missing something.



Why only ten most recent?

by SMITTY - 2007-10-03 05:10:29

Hey Suze,

Look right above your message (if your message is still listed first) and it shows that the messages shown are those from the last 7 days. So, I'm guessing that means there will not be a specific number of messages each time because that is now controlled by the number of messages that have been written during a specified period of time.

Personally I would like to see a format used that is similar to the one used on implantable.com. That way I can quickly review the list for new messages or for new comments to the postings that are of interest to me. I'm always hesitant to make any comments like this because I feel like I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth. I'm sure Blake has spent many dollars and many hours to provide us with what we have and I never want to give the impression that his efforts are not sincerely appreciated.. I guess Blake just spoiled us with the old format before the slime-suckers had to go ruin it for us.



by Suze - 2007-10-04 10:10:40

Thanks, Smitty, for your reply.

I have to agree with you regarding complaining about the proceedure on the mostly wonderful message board... Pacemakerclub.com is absolutely the best!

However, this is the only message forum I've been on that doesn't let you know when a new reply has been posted, automatically moving that topic (having a current discussion/reply) to the top of the list. In other words, the list is compiled in order of the date of the "last reply". I'm not sure why that is, but I figure Blake has his reasons.

Anyway, thanks again for replying so quickly,


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