Extra beats!

The doctor called and told me that the holter monitor shows my pacer was not kicking in, but that I did have some extra heart beats. He said they're nothing to worry about and I only had 109 extra beats in 24 hours. He told me it was a low number compared to others who's heart have much higher number of extra beats. He said that he even seen one that had close to 20,000 extra beat. They can't hurt you, is what he said, but, I really don't like the feeling of my heart having extra beats. Can anyone tell me if your heart beats extra and what should I do to stop these little suckers. Any input would be nice! Thanks again my friends.



Ectopic beats

by traeh - 2009-08-22 08:08:33

Hi James

These extra 'ectopic beats' are generally considered harmless, provided they do not show any tendency to occur in runs and look identical in appearance to normal conducted beats. This sort of finding is of no medical concern because the beats do not do any harm although it is quite common to notice a 'missed beat sensation' from time to time.
For an average heart rate of 70 bpm, the sinus node generates over 100,000 beats over 24 hours so you are experiencing about one extra beat for every 1000 normal beats. This is really a very low error rate considering the heart is not a machine. Each heartbeat is spontaneously generated by pacemaker cells in the sinus node, so it is not surprising that there are occasional variations. Virtually the entire population have some of these extra beats every day. The vast majority are totally unaware of them unless they are picked up by eg a Holter monitor.
Just a further point, why were you being monitored?
Take care.


I have the other problem... missing beats

by pacergirl - 2009-08-22 08:08:34

I wonder if extra beats are as bad as the missing beats. Mine always happen when I am very tired. usually at night after a long day. The holter monitor does pick it up, but my PM doesn't. Hopefully the new pm will last longer and be able to prevent the problems I suffer from now. Missing beats only 2 beats at a time and a racing heartbeat, the heart block as well. Goodness, I sound like a mess! I actually feel ok most of the time.

Hi James

by sputnick - 2009-08-22 08:08:54

I too get xtra beats and other wierd sensations at times, but try not to let them bother me too much after reading on this website that they are quite common. I find that they are worse if I get annoyed, or stressy or excited, and also if I have too many cups of tea or glasses of wine!! Best wishes Jan


by ElectricFrank - 2009-08-22 09:08:43

You might do search on the forum for comments on PVC's. This is the most common source of the "missing" or "extra" beats. Depending on how you sense them a PVC can feel like ether.

At times I've had over 2,000/day. They aren't a threat to life or health, but they sure can be uncomfortable.

Unless they are too bothersome, I wouldn't worry about them.


Thank you

by Christmmpace - 2009-08-25 02:08:31

I like to thank each and everyone of you for posting your comment. I find great comfort from all of you offering some advice. I thank you guys and I've been feeling a little better thank the Lord. Take care and I'll keep you posted on what's going on with the extra beats.


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