Missed heartbeats on swallowing

Can anyone tell me if they have suffered missed heart beats each time they swallowed? Strange feeling never happened before .

two weeks ago I had an endoscopy then 8 days ago at my pm check the battery showed too low to read. 

The technition altered the settings from pm clicking in if below 60 to 30 to try to save a bit of battery until new one fitted. 

For the last 7 days I've noticed I'm a bit dizzy at times but have developed this horrible missed beat each time I swallow . The only symptom I had before pm was sometimes going a bit faint when I ate so I'm wondering if this is due to reduced pm settings or endoscopy 

i only pace 1.3 of the time 

any thoughts would be gratefully received Thankyou 




Skipped heartbeat with swallowing!

by Ileen - 2017-01-31 23:59:25

I have this too. But, may be the endoscopy irritated you esophagus and that is what you are feeling. I did read that the simple act of swallowing, can make your heart skip( on a medical site) Funny , I was eating some pretzels the other day, and had what felt was a Huge skipped beat. But by the time I checked my pulse it was over. Did not feel nice though. I have have a haitle (sp) hernia, so I might have just been feeling that. I don't know, our bodies do weird things alot. I try to tune alot out. You don't use your pacer much. Lucky there. If you continue feeling the sensations, call up the doc. Don't know if I helped at all. I get skipped beats at the drop of a pin!( for 40 years) You would think I would be used to them, nope, but I am a bit if a health anxious person( hubby will tell you that!) Take care,Ileen


by Newbie4444 - 2019-01-25 16:34:48

I’ve had those exact same symptoms for 12 years. Was just finally diagnosed with something called “swallow syncope” this month. Google it. It’s extremely rare and many doctors are unfamiliar with it because it’s so rare. The good news is the only treatment is a pacemaker - and you already have one. The way I was diagnosed is they had me wear a 30 day Holter and sure enough, it showed AV block almost every other day, but only when swallowing certain solid foods.

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