inappropriate or appropriate?

This is a very private matter for me because I am pretty new to the whole pacemaker thing so I don't exactly know if this was ok or not.
I went in for a check up on my pacemaker and everything with my device is fine. I just need to know for pacer check ups where they have felt around your pacers and how low down your chest they feel. It probably sounds silly, I didn't think much at all until some more awkward things happened in the appointment with just us two and the closed door.
Any response would be appreciated I am just confused about what my chest has to do with my pacer.
Thank you



by tcrabtree85 - 2007-08-01 08:08:33

First I want to say welcome. Maybe I did that already but I am forgetful. I guess to answer your question when I discovered that my heart had it's own mind I knew I wasn't going to have much privacy anymore.
Though with my pm checks I haven't had really any problems at all. They do need to place the patches and leads and what not on but that should be about it when checking you pm.
Thinking back to when I first got my pm all they did was the first time after my visit look at my scar to see if it was healing. They didn't touch anything else. I don't see a reason to like I said unless they were afraid of infection or something.
Other than that patches being put on and what not will happen but everything else really is all done over the computer for a pacemaker check.
I don't know what you mean but awkward but I always use the motto if you don't feel comfortable then ask for somebody else to do your check.
I hope this can help you if you have any other questions you can private message me anytime. Take care of yourself!

Hi AmyJean

by hooimom - 2007-08-01 09:08:50

If you are not comfortable alone I would take someone to the appointment with you and request that they go back with you. If a female patient is going to see a male doctor, some offices have someone else in the room. If they don't want a friend or family member to go back with you, request another nurse or employee. In any case, you should not be put in a situation where you might feel awkward.



by jessie - 2007-08-02 05:08:43

my first check was one monthafterwards at the pacemaker clinic. a female checked my pacemaker and in fact hooked me up to an ekg and then said everything was fine. i don't think that as i remember that i was touched at all by this person. she may have visually looked at the site to see that it was healing. something seems wrong. if you are not comfortable say so jessie


by luckyloo - 2007-08-02 06:08:27

dear amy,

my chest has NEVER been touched in the 7 yearts i've had this device. right after surgery they would look at the incision but that was it. no need to touch breast tissue. is your device under your breast? that might be different because when it's under the skin it sticks out and there really is no need to touch it.

i'd bring someone with you next time AND ask querstions as to why. is it a male touching you? i was an xray tech and remember a young male student doing chest xrays by himself after he "mastered" a chest xray. come to find out many chest xrays later....when a woman complained finally. he was having the women take their gowns off and being bare breasted against the cold unit. he also told them he needed to do a breast exam on was part of their xray. these women allowed questions asked...until the one. he was released from the program and charges were filed.

be careful.


What Is Right

by SMITTY - 2007-08-02 07:08:00

Hi AmyJean,

I’m not sure what transpired during your checkup, but if you feel that it was inappropriate, speak to the doctor.

When I get a checkup four electrodes are placed on my upper body as opposed to the two I put on when it is a telephone checkup. Of the four the technician puts on, one is just to the left and slightly below my left nipple, one is just below my right collar bone and the other two are at about the bottom of my rib cage, one on each side. In addition they place a magnet directly over the pacemaker and depending on exactly where your PM is located, this could seem inappropriate to some. Other than occasionally having to recheck an electrode, its connection or the reposition of the magnet, my body is never touched, except of course when they remove the magnet and electrodes.

But then I’m old, old male fossil, so it is possible that could make a difference.

But to repeat, if you think anything done was unnecessary or inappropriate, talk to the doctor.

Wish you the best,



by amanda - 2007-08-02 07:08:21

At each pacemaker check and consultation I have had with a cardiologist since receiving my pacemaker someone has felt around the area of the implant. I was told this was to check if there has been any movement of the device from its original position. Ask the Dr why this is necessary next time you go.

Hi, AmyJean,

by Gellia2 - 2007-08-02 09:08:02

Hmnmm, is right! After having a pacemaker for 32 years, I don't believe I have ever had a dr do what you describe. The most was a check to see if the pacer had shifted in it's pocket and that was only once because I had had a problem. I agree with the rest. If you feel uncomfortable than you ARE uncomfortable. That should never be. Have the nurse come into the room with the dr and youl. No male dr should be doing an exam without a nurse present anyway. This is for their safety as much as yours.
You shouldn't feel uncomfortable during any examination.
Like the rest said, checking an incision site is a visual examination, unless there is fear of the generator moving around, and should not require a lot of "touchy feely". A patient should never be made feel uncomfortable.
If it continues, or you feel it is really inappropriate, report the dr and get a new one.
Best to you, and this site is great. It can help you through anything.


by pacergirl - 2007-08-03 10:08:04

Good grief! Can we talk? If you feel that your Dr. was way off the mark or should I say pacemaker, then it most certainly was. I am not a large woman. Just 5 foot 2 inches. I have never had any of my drs. feel any part of me without first saying "I'm going to get a little personal here... I need to check your chest wall to see where the pacer is sitting. He never touches me without my permission. He never touches my breast. After all I am not there for a breast exam! Even though I am a small woman and there is not a lot of space for the pacer, he never touches me where he shouldn't. I probably would not speak to the dr. directly but I would speak to the nurse. They would know if what he did was out of line. She/he being aware of your feelings will be sure to join you in your next exam. Good luck, pacergirl

well. . .

by AmyJean - 2007-08-13 10:08:40

its good to hear some feed back, however im thinking what happened was possibly not so good. he fully expose my left chestall region and was sort of grabbbing and looking at it. also when i left after he gave me that awkward to long to close hug i felt his hand brush my butt. . . my boy friend is pretty mad about it and is definitley coming to my next check up

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