
Hi Everyone!!! Im back. God bless all of you and all the new people out there. Just wanted to give an update on my condition. I am doing better...thank God. I havent had any fainting spells and i can sleep so much better now. I occasionally get the pvcs and sometimes feel the crazy flutter..but i am really learning to live with this pacemaker thing. It really has become part of me now.
On a different note...i am recently going through a lot of stress in my life and feel like my chest hurts more and more because of it. I got separated and now i am going through a divorce and it is so tough. I was wondering if stress can be harmful for me? Well i guess it can. But it is really hard not to be.
Also, i am writing a book about my life and my struggles with the whole pacemaker thing. Has any one out there written a book? I have never done it before and was just wondering how to go about doing it.
I am very happy to see that this website is full of great people. Thanks to all the people that have helped me with their advice. I truly appreciate each and every one of you. ;-)



by Blueaustralia - 2008-08-10 07:08:31

Sorry to hear of your problems. I was told by my dr that stress is harmful to us. Our body releases adrenaline which can harm the heart. There is such a thing a broken hearted syndrome. You can google it in.
I found stress also made my chest hurt.

I tend to be an anxious person and have taken the attitude now that I will handle what I am given each day and put it all to bed when I retire for the night. That way I can get through. The other way is, I imagine all the post boxes at the post office and mentally put things in a box until I feel I can handle that problem then take it out. We have to develop strategies to help us cope. It is so hard when everything seems in such a whirl.

Take care, and take care of yourself. It is up to you.

Regards Billie

Hi, you have been missed.

by pacergirl - 2008-08-10 09:08:04

Hi Brokenheart,
So sad to hear of your stress. Yes, in answer to your question stress is not good for you. I firmly believe that stress has had much to do with why I have so many health problems. The wear and tear that stress does to your body is huge. Every little cell that makes you who you are is certainly affected by the stress reaction.

If you are now separated and getting a divorce, please do not react in such a way as to add more stress. If you can, let it go. Stay calm, allow yourself time to adjust and remember you are going to have a heck of a life! Focus on the good things in your life. On the bad days, you can come here and find the support you will need which we freely give. No questions asked, just good caring people.

I wish you well, I wish you happiness... and a safe, stress free journey.
p.s. Don't forget to breathe.... it will calm you...ahhhhhh


by tcrabtree85 - 2008-08-10 11:08:59

I am glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Right after having surgery I decided to go on the venture of writing a book and this is my little advice to you save save save your work as you go. My computer crashed on me and I had it only saved to my computer not a smart choice. I did enjoy the venture of writing and will probably get back to it at some point but for me it was a way to deal with the stress and get over some of my pain and anger that was built up.
Please take care of yourself and know you have a big family of friends who care about you and are praying for you.


by Christmmpace - 2008-08-11 03:08:19


Just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry to hear about your divorce. I know first hand how hard things can get in a stressful marriage. I just wanted you to know that one thing you do have is us. I believe with all my heart that God never fails to meet us in our most distress moments of life. He's watching over you and singing songs of peace to spirit. He will never leave you and He will always provide you with comfort from a distance not too far from your soul. Let your faith stand tall in these times of hurt. He sends you angels to protect you and give you peace. I hope so much for you to recover and please, if you need anything from us here at the club, just let us know? I often forget to hold Gods' hand when I need him most, but now I know that His hand is carring me across my troubled waters. God will not let you drown in your sorrows. He will lift you up to higher grounds. Please let your joy shine for you're a bright star in our hearts. This club wouldn't be so bright if you lost some of your sparkle. Take great care of yourself and that wonderful God given heart you have.

Your friend for life,


thank you

by brokenheart - 2008-08-12 03:08:23

Wow you guys are so awesome. Thank you so much for your comments and great advice. I know i can always count on people like you to cheer me up. I will take it all to heart. ;-)

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I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.