can i play wii?

hi everyone. It is me again! I hope u are all doing well. I was wondering if we are able to play the wii if we have a pacemaker. I have never played it before and some friends invited me to play next week. Please let me know what your experiences are. Thank u in advance and God bless.


Try it...

by dward - 2008-03-24 11:03:41

I've played. No problem.. except I SUCKED at it!!

Have fun

by kaka - 2008-03-25 01:03:56

I just played Wii with my 7 yr old granddaughter last weekend and I was fine.....we sure laughed a lot which is the best feeling in the world.


by trlam21 - 2008-03-25 06:03:29

I have played the Wii and I am 11 days post op, play and enjoy. I keep am having trouble keeping my arms down but no bad interaction.
have fun,

Love the Wii

by bini - 2008-03-25 07:03:34

I play the Wii all the time. I love it! I do a golf game, boxing, problems at all.

I say enjoy playing and have a lot of fun.!


more responses in database

by gevans - 2008-03-25 07:03:47

You could also find earlier comments on this topic in the "search" box, (but typing "wii" will also include any words with those three letters that are mistyped, so you have to scroll past some to get to the relevent ones).


Shouldn't be a problem

by Swedeheart - 2008-03-25 12:03:32

I haven't been bothered by any modern electronic devices, I don't think the Wii would give you any trouble. If you are a "lefty" and your pacemaker is on the left side you might be sure you don't swing things too hard if you are relatively new to your PM... but other than ordinary caution give it a try!

Wii is fun, but like dward, I was pretty lame at it as well! It is nice to be able to get a little exercise with an electronic game, however~ and when I played we certainly laughed and had fun!

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