Hey peoples

Attention Pacers!
We had an EXTRA special day yesterday, July 5 because.....

we had TWO, that's right..TWO pacer BIRTHDAYS :)
And they are:

KAY (rewiredaussiegirl): 1939


MARTY (plumberman): 1956

I hope that both of you had a great birthday filled with great memories.

take care,
p.s. sorry for my lateness...I guess its my M.O. :)



by jessie - 2007-07-06 10:07:17

happy birthday kay. i am the first one on site other than our gal val to wish you a happy birthday and may you enjoy many more ahead. hope your day was fun and that you did something special like go out for lunch. take care maureen


by jessie - 2007-07-06 10:07:19

happy birthday to our canadian friend marty whoo is now the big 50 i think? am i right or is it 51. i am too tired to-night to figure it out. if it is 51 pretend it is 50 again. you can do it! happy birthday marty and many more. your friend from ontario maureen

Happy Birthday!

by tcrabtree85 - 2007-07-07 12:07:37

Kay and Marty,
Happy Birthday to the both of you! Hope that your days were amazing. Have a very blessed b-day week.


You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

Member Quotes

I am no expert, but I believe that without the defibrillator that I have, I would be dead.