This is for duggie.

Some Tasty Ways To Bring On Z's.
Go Bananas, sometimes called a sleeping pill in a peel, this fruit is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid linked to healthy slumber.
Tryptophan increases serotonin in your brain and blood, which can improve relaxation.
Other good sources include dairy products, turkey, peanut butter and tofu.
Relax With Rice. Eating jasmine rice four hours before bedtime helped people doze off more quickly, according to a small 2007 study in Australia. Other starchy foods such as potatoes or cereal, also do the trick, so does pasta, which makes sense, because carbohydrates can raise serotonin.
Combine Unsweetened Carbs With Protein. A high carbohydrate, low protein snack seems to help the brain use tryptophan effectively, so it produces more sedating serotonin. Try apple slices with peanut butter, a small bowl of oatmeal with low fat milk or crackers topped with turkey.
Don't overdo the protein before bed, since foods like meat or cheese also contain tyrosine, an amino acid that can rev up the brain activity.
And Don't.......
* go to bed hungry, or too full; both impede sleep.
* eat rich or spicy foods before bed; they may spark heartburn when you lie down.
* eat sweets within four hours of bedtime; they are a stimulant.
* drink decaf. Almost all decaf coffee has small amounts of sleep-busting caffeine.

For more ways to enhance your slumber, visit

Sleep better.

~ Dominique ~


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You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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