((((((((((((((( HAPPY BIRTHDAY ))))))))))))))) ))))))))))

To: Joyunderhiswings, January 13, 1955. 53 years young.

Read this to the tune of " Toreador. "

Today's your Birthday, I wish you many more,
Parties galore, fun til you snore.
Time....to celebrate this day for you,
The day of your early debut.
Blow out your candles then, grab a balloon,
And sing this Birthday tune.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB! I hope it's the best.

~ Dominique ~


happy birthday barb

by jessie - 2008-01-13 02:01:24

when you wake up to-morrow it will be your birthday! all the best to you and enjoy your day jessie

They say it's Your Birthday!

by pacergirl - 2008-01-13 09:01:50

They say it's Your Birthday!... come on let's have a good time! hee hee
I hope you have a wonderful day and that your have been laughing so much and smiling that your face suffers from happy wrinkles! hee hee ;-)
I wish you all kinds of happiness,
pacergirl <:-) My party hat is on!

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