resting heart rate

I`m hoping someone can throw some light on this problem.
18months now after mitral and tricuspid valve repair and Maze procedure and CRTD fitted. Generally all seems fine and work and exercise well(I`m 68 always been active). I`ve always had this funny feeling when resting as if something is mismatched.
Docs have tried different resting rates to see what happens 60/65/70 .
One thing that puzzles me and no one seems to have an answer is that if I take a brisk 30min walk and check BP and HR 5min after finishing my HR has only increased by 3/4. So when set at 60 reads 63, when set at 65 reads 68 and at 70 reads 73. Surely if my body requires 73 when set at 70 then why does it not go to 73 when set at 60? I have repeated this several times. Also the lower the setting the harder I have to work to get it to85/90. It`s now been suggested I try 80.
To me it seems if the rate response is somehow linked to base setting ?
So any thoughts?



by Grateful Heart - 2015-04-17 08:04:17

If you are waiting 5 minutes to check your HR after exercising and are not moving at that point, your HR has returned to your resting rate by that time. Try checking it immediately after exercise or during exercise if you have a HR monitor.

If you get the same results it may be the sensitivity setting on your PM.

Grateful Heart

Good question mg

by IAN MC - 2015-04-17 08:04:18

I imagine that the base level does determine how the natural sinus node increases the heart-rate .

If you are a top athlete with a resting HR of 35 bpm , I would not expect the exercise-driven HR to be as high as a couch-potato whose resting HR is 80 bpm.. So hopefully it is delivering the needed heart-rate for the individual.

But does the same apply with Rate Response ? Is it sophisticated enough to give your body the heart-rate it needs or does it just throw in a few extra beats every time you move ; it has been said on here many times that RR is not particularly physiological , it is a very unsatisfactory attempt to simulate the real thing in my experience.

Maybe if you start from a high base it does affect the increased level. I look forward to other views on this.


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