
Hi Everyone,

I have just had a Pacemaker fitted, I have been reading up on what I can do and what I should avoid. One point that stuck out on me was area's with high radio fields. I work in custody and as you can imagine there is alot of equipment in there that requires radio transmitters. Will this effect my pacemaker and does anyone have any experiance with this?

Thank you in advance!



by KAG - 2014-03-08 11:03:04

that lawyers write the cautions for the medical equipment. They will typically be very conservative since it's a CYA. I'd be surprised if you asked them and they replied anything but stay away from electrical equipment.

The best advice I've found is to approach anything new slowly and see how you feel. If you do feel funny just back away. Remember though that the mind is a powerful device and anxiety can also cause symptoms.

Lots of info on this site, just search (upper right corner) for "interference".

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