lost job and insurance

I have a defibrillator and home transmitter. I am being laid off 59 years old and don't know how to go about finding an insurance through the Affordable Healthcare coverage that I can afford with no job. The doctor needs to be a participant of St. Judes defib and transmitter. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks


Sorry to hear that

by SaraTB - 2014-05-12 03:05:54

I see from your info. that you are in California: is California operating its own ACA website? Or you can use the Federal ACA page. (I helped my stepdaughter shop for insurance when she lost her job and we used our State website)

Because you have been laid off, you will quality for sign-up now and won't have to wait for open enrollment. The website should show you all the options available, based on your income level, including eligibility for Medicaid. Our State site also had a process so that you could check whether your doctor was in the particular policy's network - all this before you commit to an actual policy. There was also a 1-800 help line and I gather those folks were pretty helpful.

I really do think your first stop is either the CA ACA site, or the Federal one, to start researching what's available . I have a friend in MS who is on Medicaid (not for cardiac reasons) who got a really basic policy with a high deductible, but with free screening and health monitoring etc. She actually pays nothing at all, because of the adjustments in her State's Medicaid qualifying levels.
Good luck

lost job and insurance

by datianak - 2014-05-12 04:05:53

Thank you. Yes we do have our own website. I will do that. Thank you for the information.


by judyblue - 2014-05-14 10:05:10

thank God you do not live in Florida! We have the most strict Medicaid laws in the country. if you are poor, without a child you are uninsured in this state. Maybe that will change after the November elections. (just saying....)
Best wishes your way. Keep us posted.

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