Newly Installed Pacemaker

I just got my pacemaker installed last week and and found your club today. You club is a welcome resource which I'm grateful to have found.

I got my pacemaker because I was diagnosed with PVC's and an extremely low heart rate of 28-32 bpm. I also had high blood pressure that was pretty much under control with Lisonpril until now. Since the new installation, I have new-found energy but my blood pressure has been averaging 158/115. Does anyone know if that's normal after getting a pacemaker and if so, does it eventually subside?



by Jax - 2013-04-06 05:04:52

I agree with Angry Sparrow...I have high blood pressure. it's under control now...but I have to watch my sodium which is a pain because it's everywhere. Weight also has alot fo do with hbp. When I dropped 10 lbs. my blood pressure came down....meds do control it but there are times when it fluctuates. Since you just had a pm implanted perhaps you are anxious and your blood pressure can go higher. Exercise is also important...but you're probably under restriction right now. That will pass. You can try walking...if you're up to it....

High BP with Pacemaker

by Calamity - 2013-04-07 12:04:30

Thanks for the replies and advice. Do you think its possible for blood pressure to go up with too much exercise? I live at the base of Pikes Peak and was back to walking up and down the inclines the day I returned from the hospital. I also went back to work immediately up my return and haven't had a day off yet.

I will definitely watch my sodium intake as well. Even though I don't salt food at all and usually don't eat anything processed or frozen, I'm sure I'm getting the salt from stuff I haven't even thought about (like cupcakes). I'll have to do a bit more research on what foods are high in sodium. Dropping a few pounds is always a good idea too. Once I'm allowed back in the pool, I'll attack that issue a bit harder as well. My diet consists of tons of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, and fish (I don't eat meat or most breads). My husband is always trying to feed me sweets and that's a constant challenge! I'm a total weakling in that department (LOL) In addition to high blood pressure (it's in the genes) I also have hypothyroid disease. Quite frustrating since I'm only 54 and have always been in great shape and extremely active up until now.

By the way, did anyone else experience memory problems after their implant. Mine was horrible for a few days but seems to be getting better. I hope that's just from the drugs they dole out. I don't remember if they said to take it easy on the exercising. If they did, I missed the memo. The first I'm hearing of it is on Jax's post. I may have overdone it a bit - but I'm still ticking so I suppose all is good.

Anyway, thank you, again, for your words of encouragement and sound advice.

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