Re: Praying for relief (Posted by carismendez)

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows how carismendez is doing? It's nearly 8 months since I was fitted, and I'm doing fine (touch wood! checkup tonight!). I'm still on midodrine and feel like I'm really alive after 24 years of fainting and low bp! Hope Carismendez is doing okay... Life can feel like an impossible challenge while you're waiting for your battery!


I'm doing well

by carismendez - 2007-07-05 10:07:34

Hi and thanks for thinking of me. I got off the midodrine because my body was not tolerating the side effects at all, and I am 27 days post-op on my pacemaker, and I'm feeling pretty darn good!!! You can see some of my other post-op posts that I have submitted. Fainting since PM implant is at ZERO and dizzy spells are only at 2 in 27 days, which is remarkable to me. And they weren't that bad and were simply due to blood pressure drops as usual, but my higher heart rate is definitely helping get the blood & oxygen back up to my brain. My doctor is also going to let me try to wean off of Toprol XL and then I will be drug-free which will feel wonderful!!!

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.