Lead not secure

Hello I have been told that my vent lead is not seated correctly and I need to have a procedure to correct this. Sounds like the lead will not be removed but reinforced - can anyone give me more info on what to expect please?


More questions than answers

by shirley d - 2012-12-27 06:12:23

It depends on the lead attachment. Does it screw in or does it have those little fish hooks?
Accoring to my Cardio he did not attch my leads (the ones with the little hooks) but looped it inside the Vent untill it was resting in the right place.
Anyway - if you can supply the info the gurus will answer.
If it has to be replaced or repositioned then the sooner the better, befor scar tisue starts to hold it in its current position

Good luck, let us know how it goes.



by Tracey_E - 2012-12-27 06:12:56

It won't be reinforced, it'll be put back in just like the first time. Sometimes for whatever reason they don't stick. They will try to keep the same lead.

same happened to me

by MsJanet - 2012-12-28 04:12:37

I had pm surgery on Nov 7, but the vertricle lead wasn't seated in the correct place because it was pacing my diaphram so I had a second surgery on Nov. 28 to reset the lead. After the first surgery, I had pain and almost constant diaphram pacing. After the second surgery, I have had no unusual pain and feel great. I know this will happen for you as well.
Good luck and please repost to let us know how you are doing.


by MsJanet - 2012-12-28 04:12:46

Forgot to mention. After the second surgery my PM was interrogated before I went home the next day. I was asked to turn over on each side, on my stomach and even to bend over while sitting. Be sure to ask before surgery to have yours interrogated after you have your second surgery. Surely that can be done.

mine came loose too

by ellie100 - 2012-12-28 08:12:31

my ventricle lead came loose a few years ago. I had minor surgery to fix it. it took 3 hrs but for most people its suppose to take no more than an hour. my scar still looks great! it hurt more than the implant for some reason but besides that it wasn't much different than the implant. best of luck


That's a new one on me

by ElectricFrank - 2012-12-28 12:12:18

Just stop and think: what would keep a lead in position against a wildly beating heart wall if it isn't screwed or hooked into place.

These doc should learn to be standup comedians. There stories are hilarious.


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