
I had my appointment to get the results from my 14 day monitor today. It did show some of my symptoms were during episodes of atrial pacing but they say that shouldn't cause breathing issues. During the few episodes of ventrical pacing I registered no symptoms. That is when they would expect to see any symptoms. Am I just odd or does anyone else have symptoms during atrial pacing?

I was told that I was still in the early stages with my PM and it is normal to have some anxiety Does anyone feel that the doctors are a little quick to blame everything on anxiety because we have pacemakers? Of course they want me to follow up with my PCP for the shortness of breath but kept talking about anxiety. I have a stressful life at times, but who doesn't? I have had my PM for 18 months and I feel totally comfortable with it. My life is actually less stressful now than it used to be and I could breathe just fine then. I just wonder why they think that because of a PM we are anxiety ridden to the point of illness.

Okay, I feel calmer already...thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Any one else have this experience?



I can relate!

by bambi - 2008-01-04 10:01:08

Hi Michelle,
It took two or three episodes of wearing monitors to start to put two and two together and make some sense of things. I would record my "events" and describe them verbally to my Dr. and he would nod his head, and say "yes, these symptoms are happening and show up on your readouts." There would be some adjustments made, and sometimes these would help, sometimes not. I often feel breathless and struggle to get a deep breath, and I've been fed the anxiety line too. This is a cop out. One appointment I told my Dr. how frustrated I was with the pat on the head, and every thing's just fine line, and he looked at me and said," I am not dismissing your complaints. Yes, these problems YOU FEEL AND WE SEE ON THE REPORTS ARE WHY YOU HAVE A PACEMAKER." I posted a comment about 6 weeks ago, that I was under the impression that a pacemaker would fix and cure my problems. I guess because Dr.s know this is not the case, they assume we know this too! So I don't know Michelle------- sometimes I wish our Dr.'s could wear a pacemaker for a few months and then treat us with the knowledge that we all share as pacemaker patients.Keep your chin up, and please don't feel like a high strung hypochondriac----you're not!!Hope this helps!

Re: Anxiety

by TKS - 2008-01-04 11:01:52


Just a thought....What meds, if any, are you on? I know the side effect of some can be shortness of breath. Also, are you retaining water? I am on a diuretic and when I don't take it faithfully, the fluid builds and I get very short of breath.

Take care and keep working on the docs for answers until you are satisfied!!!!



by hooimom - 2008-01-05 06:01:48

Bambi, thanks for sharing. I don't think we are nuts either!

Theresa, I am not on any meds other than occasional Lunesta for sleep issues and an iron supplement for anemia.

Vicki, You describe exactly what I am feeling. I just haven't been able to find the correct words. They yawn thing is is absolutely me! Mine is worse when I am sitting quietly or lying down. This is exactly what led me to the doctor 18 months ago and they said I needed a PM. My primary will be looking at other possibilities later this month. I'll let you know if I find any answers or relief.

Thanks for your input and encouragement ladies.

Same here

by Vicki - 2008-01-05 12:01:13

Hi Michelle,
I remember you and I posting about this breathing thing many months ago. I was told the same thing. Anxiety. Not sure I buy it either. My PM has been used less than 1% of the time since inplantation which was July I don't think my problem is from the PM or ???? could it be from the placement or the leads? All I know is I started with this feeling that I needed to take deep breaths to get enough air one month after the PM. Since it happens to me often times when I am sitting quietly...the docs says it is not shortness of breath. No huffing and puffing...just the need to take in deep breaths and when this happens I can't seem to get a good yawn...know what I mean? So, back to the anxiety issue. Don't know. I am not anxious about the PM. It's just a part of me now. I have other heart related issues though but again the doc is saying..nope not from that. Theresa asked about meds...I take Toprol XL and know that it cause SOB but I've been on it for years so that's not it. My cadio put me on a drug called Atacand...bp med. I developed high blood pressure AFTER the PM too which the docs tell me has nothing to do with the PM. This drug dialates the blood vessles...anyway he said that should help. I think it has helped some because the frequency has decreased but I still get this can't breathe fully sensation a few times a week. Anxiety makes sense in some regard because the more I focus on it the worse it gets. If I am busy running here and there I will suddenly notice that I haven't had the problem. Geez...sorry for writing a book with no answers. Frustrating.

I can relate as well.

by Stepford_Wife - 2008-01-06 08:01:30

At my last interrogation, I mentioned my need and inability to take a big deep breath to my doctor.
She mentioned sleep apnea, and fitted me with a pulse oxymeter, to measure oxygen saturation from arterial blood, during sleep, and I checked out normal.
I have the same yawning symptom as you have Bambi, Michelle and Vicki, and still no explanation for it.
Do any of you ever experience a pain in the heart, upon trying to take a deep breath?
I do, and have to bend over, and breathe deeply to make it go away. It's very annoying, especially while driving.
If I ever get an answer that solves this mystery, I'll be sure to share it with all of you.
Take care,

~ Dominique ~


by hooimom - 2008-01-06 09:01:28

Maybe between the four of us we can get some answers. Please let me know if you guys find some relief and I'll let you know if I do as well. We all have to stick together! I am just glad to hear that I am not nuts....or that we are all nuts together. :)


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