Fitness update from Peter

Hi Guys,
if you remember a few weeks ago I asked you guys for ideas to get me from zero fitness to being able to ge to the airport to pick up Pacergirl (Susan) and her husband who are coming to the uk to see me. not too long to go now just a little over six weeks!!
Well thank you all for your idea's and support, and as I said in my last posting I could then hardly make it to my front gate.
The good news is that I can now get almost a hundred yards down the road and back, I have also been to the stores with my wife and had a walk round inside. if Lotti reads this ...I am nearly at the corner shop to buy that tin of peas!!!!
So all is looking good; and it is great to be out in the world again all beit slowly.
It is a 3 hour drive for me to the airport that I can now do; it is getting from the car to arrivals, then having enough energy left to give this lovely lady a big hug and welcome her and her hubby to the uk.
Thank you once again all of you; I couldn't have got this far without all your support, and also a big thank you to Susan herself who has given me the encouragement and a goal to aim for.
The moral to this story is if you need help support and friends this is the club where you will find it. Peter


way to go peter

by jessie - 2007-03-29 04:03:54

your post made my day! i am thrilled for you. see peter with a plan and some determination you can conquer and win. i am praying always you will continue to feel stronger day by day and step by step. take care maureen


by Christmmpace - 2007-03-29 08:03:37

I'm very happy that I can feel your smile with this new found energy. Keep up the good work and My prayers are going out for you tonight. I'm asking the you to keep your faith up and have a great day. Your buddy Christmmpace


by pacergirl - 2007-03-30 12:03:33

Hi Peter! This is fantastic news!!! Oh my goodness, you have worked so hard. You have inspired me to get into shape! Please don't overdo it.... We will see/meet you soon! Take care! ;-) Pacergirl (Susan) Good for you!

I'm Proud of You!

by lenora - 2007-04-01 10:04:33

Peter, you know I'm behind you all the way just as you have been here for me. You took all the encouraging words and got to work, now look where you are!!! I am so proud of you, my friend. Lenora

Starting fitness training

by Tania SA - 2015-12-21 02:12:43

Hi Peter,

I was so glad to read your posts. Could you please give me advice on starting fitness training.

I used to be very fit, pre-pacemaker. I received my first one at 27, after which I stopped ALL activity for the following 11 years in the struggle to fall pregnant and cary baby to viable-term.

I now have one son and have decided to stop with all fertility treatment for a second child. I would much rather enjoy this great little person that we do have than be sick or be walking on eggs all the time.

My fitness is non-existent at present and I would like to make a start on improving that. I live in South Africa and no fitness trainer at any of the gyms, wants to work with me. As soon as they hear anything of "heart-condition", they refer you back to your cardiologist.

The cardiologist is booked in advance for at least a year (serious shortage in SA) and when you do get to see them, he cannot help you either, because fitness it is not his speciality and he doesn't know anyone he can refer you to. Super frustrating!

How did you start, what challenges did you have and how do you cope?

Kindest Regards,

Tania Nel

Starting fitness training

by Tania SA - 2015-12-21 02:12:45

Hi Peter,

I was so glad to read your posts. Could you please give me advice on starting fitness training.

I used to be very fit, pre-pacemaker. I received my first one at 27, after which I stopped ALL activity for the following 11 years in the struggle to fall pregnant and cary baby to viable-term.

I now have one son and have decided to stop with all fertility treatment for a second child. I would much rather enjoy this great little person that we do have than be sick or be walking on eggs all the time.

My fitness is non-existent at present and I would like to make a start on improving that. I live in South Africa and no fitness trainer at any of the gyms, wants to work with me. As soon as they hear anything of "heart-condition", they refer you back to your cardiologist.

The cardiologist is booked in advance for at least a year (serious shortage in SA) and when you do get to see them, he cannot help you either, because fitness it is not his speciality and he doesn't know anyone he can refer you to. Super frustrating!

How did you start, what challenges did you have and how do you cope?

Kindest Regards,

Tania Nel

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