pain in arms and tingleing

Hi everyone-
I received my pacemaker in May of this year. They did a node ablation in August and now I am totally dependent on my pm.
The last couple weeks, whenever I raise my arms above heart level, they start to tingle and go numb from shoulder to wrist. At night, I awake because my arm on the opposite side I am laying hurts so bad - an ache type pain - from the shoulder to the wrist. Anyone else have this problem? I tried to search for this on here using the search tool but I only saw partial symtoms as realted to mine.

Any info would be appreciated. This journey has not been an easy one for me and it seems this may be another detour.


better check it out

by novie - 2012-11-12 01:11:29

I agree with Grateful wouldn't hurt to see your doctor and have it check out.
I also got my PM last May but no ablation (although I'm aware that I might have it in the future if needed be....I've been told of the pros and cons of my situation). I got diagnosed with SSS hence the PM....I went back to the ER three weeks later because of the symptoms that you mentioned with the additional of chest pain....afraid to say that back then I was having a mild heart attack. So another five days in the hospital and then got experimented with meds that deal with AFIB. Now, I'm on my daily meds to keep me healthy...and alive...thank God.
Your situation maybe different from mine but it's worth seeing your doctor to keep your mind at rest.
Have you been doing some exercise to deal with it?...I started going back to yoga after 6 weeks and I'm doing light weights to go with that. I am back to my regular routine but I can honestly tell you that I'm still on the healing process.
A lot of people here can tell you so much that will help you in some ways.
Take care.

Hard to say

by Grateful Heart - 2012-11-12 12:11:42

But it is not normal for you since it is new so call your doctor or go to the ER. It is better to be checked out. Could just be a pinched nerve but find out.

Keep us posted,

Grateful Heart

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