G'Day all

I have been reading the posts regarding the email sent out to everyone. Mine came from info@pacemakerclub.com. I have a St Jude pacer and not a Medtronic. But thanks for the email and the information anyway, I sometimes go for quite a while without checking in here so any news and info like that is appreciated.
Regarding my earlier post asking for advice about Afib, I have been to my Doc and I am now on 25mg of Atenolol.
I started last night and it seems to be helping already, probably placebo effect, lol.
This is a great site, and a great help to many people, including me of course. Thanks again.
Best regards to all, Ian.


Good news

by Suze - 2007-11-21 11:11:17

Hi Ian,

The medicine probably is really helping...I have taken Flecainide and ToprolXL ( plus a pacemaker was then implanted) since July 2006. And I haven't had one episode of A Fib since. It's been wonderful!! I also have a St Jude pacer...

Here's hoping you have continued success.

Take care,

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