Heartblock pain or precordial pain

We found out accidentally in February 2012 that our daughter has 2:1 (secondary degree) heartblock. She was 5+ years old at that time and is now 7+. She did not have any symptoms until recently. She has 2:1 block but occasionally she gets 1:1 (normal beat) conduction. She is healthy and active.

Since 2012 she was seen by a cardiologist every six months. Two months ago her cardiologist did 24 hour tape and exercise test. The doctor told us that she is stable and whenever she needs her heart can do 1:1 conduction (normal beat) and when she did the exercise test her heartbeat went up to 180/min and she said they don't need to see her until 2015.

Recently she started to have sharp pain on the left hand side of the chest near the nipple . He pains lasts for only seconds. We took her to A & E and after examining her and checking her heart beat (ECG) they told us that she had pulled a muscle and sent her home.

I done some research on the internet and her symptom suggest that her pain caused by the condition called precordial pain. They say there is no treatment for this and the pain will be resolved by adulthood....The question is how can I ignore the child's chest pain when she has heartblock?..We are worried..


Get her fully checked out

by Jonny - 2014-03-25 07:03:29

I've got myself scared a few times before by looking up symptoms on internet, and then been totally wrong as it was something very minor. When you are a parent it is far worse trying to diagnose for your child, leave it to the professionals as that is less scary.
See your GP and get a referral to the cardiologist. Until you get the specialist advice you will keep imagining all manner of things, be they true or false.
BTW - I stand to be corrected but chest have nothing to do with "simple" heart block. Chest pains are associated mainly with heart structure and plumbing not the electrical system. She is more likely to have dizzy spells or faints if it was a deterioration in the electrical system. Best of luck. John

Went to GP

by mother73 - 2014-03-26 12:03:01

Hello Jonny

Thank you for your comment. We took her to ER two weeks ago they said she is having muscle pain. We went our GP they said the same thing again. For the last few months she has been saying that she feels like vomiting. Is this something to do with hear-block?

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