Help need some advice

Hi again this is Carolann, been gone again for a while not feeling very good, one up date my low blood oxygen problem is all heart related, and I am still throwing pvc's all the time, also I will be put in the hostipal this next Wednsday, to have a medication change done, never had this done before, update also I had stress test, it was very abnormarl, had heart cath done, 3 weeks ago this Thursday, no blockages and no plague of any kind, Have any of you folks had a hositpal stay for what my heart dr. called medication change? I have be kept there for over 24 hrs. would anyone know what is involve in this.? again I have ICD/CRT-D, the last 15 months my heart has gotten very very weak, also I not sure I have share this, my heart doctor told I also have rare heart condition called HCM along with my stage 3 heart failure. Also been having phantom shocks from my device, which was check out yesterday. I hope folks can help me. Thanks and God bless each and everyone here too.



by Bostonstrong - 2014-04-16 09:04:01

All will go smoothly for you, please let us know how you do in the new medication.

Good to hear from you again,

by donr - 2014-04-16 09:04:12


There are many drugs that it is recommended be started while the patient is in the hospital - especially if they have a weak heart. Those drugs can have bad side effects & they want to be able to monitor you closely. Probably the drug that they want to start you on requires continuous monitoring on an ECG machine. They cannot do that while you are away from the hospital.

One advantage to having yu in the hospital is that they can see side effects before they have a chance to really harm you.

Please tell us the name of it after you find out. If you can tolerate the new drug, it may well help you a lot.

I hope that is the case.


wishing you well

by judyblue - 2014-04-16 09:04:38

I certainly hear the concern in your post, and I am wishing you the very best. I look forward to your next update.
God Bless

Hi Carolann

by Grateful Heart - 2014-04-16 09:04:52

I hope the new medication will help you. I will keep you in my Prayers.

Grateful Heart


by capecod - 2014-04-16 11:04:50

hi carolann
I am new to this site but I think you are talking about a drug in the multag family. I took this for a while but it did not help me. there is another in this family (amiadarone??? - something like that) that requires administration in a hospital setting. I did not try that one. hope it works out.

thanks comes from my heart to you

by adairwic - 2014-04-17 12:04:14

Well thanks everyone, I just got e-mail from my heart Doctor, he is going to put what is called heart pump medication, just above where my device is at. He told me to relax I told him I will, and since I was here last my son is also having problems he had surgery on his right ankle, he broke in many places, after he had the surgery he was told to stay off his foot, guess what he didn't, and bent the screw in his foot, if it breaks he will lose his foot, So if it would be ok keep him in your prayers too.

again thanks everyone love you all, I am a fighter am not going to just give in or give up, The Lord is putting me through a pretty good test this time. Love to you all again.

Love Carolann Adair

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