my printer

Hi there everyone I now a bionic woman have a maximo II CRT-D well I am finding out that I can't hold the controler of my cable tv, and also found out that my espon printer, also trigger my icd to go off, also same thing happen with the controller of cable tv. finding out really fast I get warning from my heart inplanted device. any one else ?
Love you folks thanks for the support.

love carolann



by Peg541 - 2012-03-09 01:03:25

What sort of alarm is it? A buzzing you feel? A noise? Interesting.

Problems With A Maximo II CRT-D.

by SMITTY - 2012-03-09 01:03:28

Hi Carolann,

That has got be more than a little aggravating, especially when it shouldn't be happening. The Maximo II CRT-D is the "cats uncle" when it comes to PM/Defib units. These things are so sophisticated that it lets your doctor remotely check your heart device without your assistance automatically, even while you are sleeping. I was really impressed about the fact this particular CRT-D can deliver painless electrical pacing pulses called Antitachycardia Pacing (ATP), which may eliminate the need for a shock.

I would suggest that you contact your dr and tell them the problems you are having and if they can't help, you might try contacting Medtronic VIA e-mail and tell them what is happening. If you do contact Medtronic be sure and give them the serial number of your Maximo II CRT-D.

In case you wonder about my great interest in the Maximo II CRT-D, this is the device my dr wants to implant in me if ejection fraction get any lower.

Good luck to you,



by adairwic - 2012-03-09 01:03:52

I guess I may have a build in alarm inmy device, got to close to the printer on side of it and the alarm went off, and the other day I was holding the controller of the cable tv, and got a alarm go off for few seconds once the controller was away from me, it stopped, and then a while ago my printer where the surge protector was the alarm went off again, once I move away from the source it stopped, I guess I don't need to buy that device that warns you to move away from a high elecontri or malgainc field sorry about spelling.



by adairwic - 2012-03-09 03:03:18

ok I called medtronic and my dr. well this is what happen, their meaning the tech from medtronic forgot to turn off my alarm in the implant after testing it.
So every day until their go in to put the third lead in, this device will sound everyday, at the same time.
I stood by the printer while the medtronic tech on the phone and it didn't sound. Plus without the third lead, this will do this until their finish my third lead into the implanted (ouchy).

well thanks for all your help with this situration.

Love carolann

p.s. any one have this much fuss over their first implanted.

False alarms from ICD

by donr - 2012-03-09 06:03:17

Carolann: I'll answer for everyone - it does not matter to us collectively if you have problems - that is why we are here. From reading this thread, you'd still be wandering around in the wilderness of confusion w/o the gang to answer your questions. You'd never have gotten to anyone else w/ decent knowledge & helpfulness as fast or during non-business hours.

I'd say that your questions were well stated & you gave reasonable, rational data to work from.

Remember my answer to your question about the green transformer box in the front yard - Even when I inadvertently laid down across it w/ my PM right on top of the box I got no reaction. No way that your ICD should have reacted to fields from two such devices.



I am wondering if Don made a typo

by jane32 - 2012-03-09 07:03:55

It does matter to us that you are having problems, thats why we are here to support you. Hope you soon get sorted when you get your 3rd lead. I think a lot of people have a few problems at the beginning but a lot more have no trouble at all. Keep strong, you are doing great.


Sorry, Jane - awkward English...

by donr - 2012-03-09 10:03:02

...unless you read the rest of the comment. Granted, it could have been better. F'rinstance - "It does not matter to us how many problems you bring..." But you have to read these comments for their total context. They are generally shot full of errors of one sort or another from lack of detailed proof reading. Generally I have to carefully proof read all of mine, because I cannot type very well - but still don't catch awkward wording all the time. Years ago, I stated "Don's principle of proof reading - 'You cannot proof your own material.'" Over the yrs, I've found it to be absolutely true.

Throw in the fact that we do not all write the same version of English & you have a potential nightmare. Then there are those for whom English is a second language...


CRT-D too

by Laben - 2012-03-09 12:03:54

I have the same type device and have not experienced any outside problems. How did you find all this out? Hope you have a great day. ..........Laben

Nothing new

by ElectricFrank - 2012-03-10 02:03:21

It's the same phenomenon that our ancestors used when they attributed slaying a goat at midnight kept the evil god of the mountain from spitting fire. It is very easy to be fooled when comparing 2 unrelated events.

Hmm, kind of reminds me of medicines studies using statistical models.

Glad you found the problem. We have so many devices with high pitched beepers, and the sound echos off walls etc. I have a new coffee pot that has a very high pitched squeal to signal it is done. It sent me hunting for what of my many electronics devices was in trouble.

I finally threw a shoe at a cockroach at 2:04AM and shouted an unintelligible phrase. That stopped it.




by adairwic - 2012-03-10 10:03:37

Well Don thank you for your comment, sometimes my spelling can be really bad and other times I am right on the mark. I think I type my question where most can understand it. I want to thank you so much for your help, Now I did explain that I got my answer from medtronic tech that other tech at the hosiptal forgot to shut off the alarm to the icd, and also I was told without the other two leads this will be trying to find the missing leads, I am feeling much better, I have a lot more enegry, not tired any more. I also said I have to go again to have the other leads put in, in that I was trying to cry on someone's shoulder because of where the device is their will have to cut me twice there, and that will be big OUCH again. Thank the Lord I healed fast, you should understand how painful the first time but a second. And everyone else thank you so much for your caring, and support, and you too Don. Thanks Jane too

love Carolann

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