Julie Bowen

Hi all. I'm just wandering if anyone knows where actress Julie Bowen has her pacemaker. Its not visible when she wears strapless dresses? Very curious. Be lovely if they weren't so visible, especially in summer.


Where is it?

by ellen53 - 2012-11-06 01:11:10

Exactly my question also. She wore a gorgeous strapless gown at the Emmys. I strained my eyes trying to see at least a scar. Must be in her abdomen or under her breast. I most definitely have a scar,

Easy to answer

by ElectricFrank - 2012-11-06 02:11:16

If you get to the place where you are part of the Emmy's you would almost certainly have more places on your body adjusted than a pacemaker site.

I'll be a gentleman (unusual for me) and refrain from listing all the parts of her anatomy that has been reworked.


Julie Bowen

by tcm - 2012-11-06 02:11:37

Well if she can have hers in an inconspicuous site then why can't we also.Must check with my cardiologist.I can imagine it would be quite uncomfortable in a lot of other places,it must be very deep.they aren't exactly small and petit!!

I was looking for it too

by TalkinCardio - 2012-11-06 02:11:42

and I couldnt see it. My thought was make up artists could probably cover it up pretty easily. She was on Ellen yesterday. I really like her.

not sure but

by Tracey_E - 2012-11-06 07:11:51

No idea where she has hers, but my guess is under the breast or off to the side near her armpit. I can't imagine an adult doing it in the abdomen by choice.

Mine is put in from the side and buried under the breast so the bigger scar is about where the side seam of my bra is. It shows with a string bikini, that's it, and my string bikini days are long past so no one sees the scar! I have an itty bitty scar on my chest where they put in the lead, about an inch. It was done by a plastic surgeon and is nearly invisible. I posted a picture in the gallery a few years ago, I'm in a black tank.

Maybe she has the scar covered with make up? Or pictures were photoshopped?

Or some people's skin just doesn't show scars. I had to get a new lead a couple of years ago and they used an auxiliary vein so now I have a scar on my chest like everyone else. You have to get up close to see it. I'm very pale so when it turned white it blended right in.

The main reasons most drs don't like to bury them are longer healing and higher risk of infection. Just under the skin, just under the collarbone is the shortest way to the heart. Any time you bury it, you have to run the leads farther. That said, imo, the biggest reason for not burying it is simply habit. They've always done it the easy way so most of them don't even ask where we want it.

I got my first one in 1994. I was 27 and very underweight, my dr was young so not set in his ways. He was worried about how it would look so he called in the plastic surgeon to assist. It was unheard of to bury it at that time so they were pretty much making it up as they went along and when I went into surgery I had no idea what I'd wake up with. I love it where it is, but I'm pretty sore for about 6 weeks after every replacement (I'm on #4 now) and when a lead went bad, replacing it was a hassle. Everything has its pro's and con's.

Not sure who we're talking about

by marge007 - 2012-12-03 11:12:29

I'm not sure who we're talking about, but my ICD/PM is under my left armpit, with a slight scar above my left breast because of my leads, like TraceyE. I'd suspect she's doing the same thing, since mine is TOTALLY unnoticeable, unless you know what you're looking for or if I'm wearing a swimsuit/revealing dress.

Implantation Depends on Personal Body Type

by LM - 2013-06-23 12:06:49

I was born with situs inversus with mesocardia. My pacemaker was implanted on my upper RIGHT chest, directly below my collarbone.

Most people I know with pacemakers actually have theirs on their lower left abdomen, unless they received theirs later in life.

It all depends on how the person's body is. Just like how it depends on when/if a pacemaker is removed. It just depends on the person.

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.