For the ladies out there

I am 9 days into having my PM. My incision is fresh & still sore and Im wondering if any ladies can give me some advice when it comes to wearing a bra and it not irritating the incision site. Thus far i have been wearing a "tube top", however they do not provide much support :) Can u give me any advise on how to make a bra more comfortable, and not rub on my PM.

Thanks ladies!

Debi in Texas



by kate1615 - 2011-10-12 05:10:25

Hi Debi --
I've had my PM for a year now, and only recently did it stop feeling irritated all the time. I went with what some people call a "sleeping bra" for a long time, and put a gauze pad over the incision for a couple months. BUT recently I tried the Olga "Christine" bra -- it's hard to explain, but the satin detail, which forms part of the brastrap, kind of floats away from your chest. For me, that means it never touches my incision. I don't feel right in strapless bras, so this has been a lifesaver for me. We're all built a little different, so try on everything. Good luck!!!

Post surgery bra stap pad

by djtirrell - 2011-10-12 06:10:19

Have any of you ladies tried the post surgery bra strap pad which protects the insision while still being able to wear a regular bra? I see they advertise it on this website.


love the tips

by djtirrell - 2011-10-12 06:10:57

Kate~~~ Thank you for the tip. I will have to look into both "sleeping bra", and "Christine"...I just don't see a strapless bra working for me at all!


Bra Strap Pad

by marybeth5630 - 2011-10-12 08:10:03

Hi Debi,
I used the comfortHer bra strap pad. I saw the link for it here and thought I'd give it a try. It worked well for me. (I also bought the seat belt pad at the same time)
There's not really much to them and it would probably be easy to make something similar. I felt that the price was a little high for what you get, but I needed it and it helped.
Mary Beth

Try a strapless bra

by dorieg - 2011-10-12 12:10:07


Try a strapless bra. I've had my PM since July. I wasn't so sure about strapless bras since I am fairly well endowed and had always had trouble keeping them in place. I have found Bali strapless bras work great. Of course you need to make sure it's the right size so it fits right. I find I prefer strapless all the time now as not only does it keep the strap from my incision site but it also keeps the weight of my top off my shoulders.



by djtirrell - 2011-10-12 12:10:17

Like you, I am also "heavy top", and I have never had any luck with keeping a strapless bra in place. I will have to check into Bali. Thank you!


by jenp65 - 2011-10-13 01:10:25

Yes it can get uncomfortable. I found that putting an ankle sock under my bra strap at my shoulder rather than over the sight took off some of the pressure. Good Luck with that. It does get better. Had my PM almost a year now. Took about 3 months to get used to it. Jen

shelf bra tank top

by Tracey_E - 2011-10-13 01:10:42

I like the tank tops with the built in bra after surgery. They don't have as much support as a regular bra but they don't put pressure on the incision, either. I layered it with blouses, easier to put on than a pullover top and it didn't advertise anything to the world I didnt' want advertised lol

Bra Strap Pad

by djtirrell - 2011-10-13 09:10:05

Mary Beth,

Thank you. I also thought the price seemed a bit high for what it looks like you get. Im not very crafty, but i should see if maybe i can make something similar. Do you like the seat belt strap pad? I have been eyeing that :)


Cut off one strap

by MSPACER - 2011-10-13 09:10:57

The strap was driving me crazy with my second implant, even almost two years later. I had some thin strapped jog bras, and would just tuck in the strap on the pacemaker side. I then decided to cut off the strap on the left side, but still have the right side strap for more support. The jog bra provides a lot of support so both straps were not needed. There are also jog bras with halter straps that would not fall in the area of the incision.

Seat belt pad

by marybeth5630 - 2011-10-13 10:10:14

I like the seat belt strap pad. It's padded and hollowed out to fit around the pm site. I still use it (got my pm in February). I feel that it will help in case I have to slam on the brakes for any reason and it locks up my seat belt. The only thing you need to know is that the material smells kind of rubbery for a few days. If you get one I would suggest that you let it air out for a couple of days once you open it.

seat belt pad

by kate1615 - 2011-10-13 11:10:13

I looked at the one advertised on this site -- it looks too short and thin. I highly recommend doing a google search for "sheepskin seat belt pad" -- it's much softer and has better length (easier to get your hands on). Costs ~$7. I think you could also find it at any auto parts place.
Also, to clarify my bra recommendation. The sleep bra is what I bought THINKING it would work, but in fact it also irritates the incision. The Olga Christine is what I were exclusively now.

Strapless bra

by nancywong - 2011-10-14 09:10:20

Hi Debi

Have you ever look into Ergonomic Mastectomy Bra?

Best regards

Thank You All

by djtirrell - 2011-10-16 09:10:20

I will check into all your suggestions. Thank you!

Bra situation

by Ladypris - 2011-10-16 10:10:51

Hi there! I too had my pacemaker put in on Oct 3, 2011 and found not wearing a bra just pulled on the incision causing me pain. I have been wearing leisure bras which have not irritated the incision/pm area. I wore a regular bra for the first time today and it was fine. This is good since I am going back to work tomorrow! Good luck!

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