How long

I'm brand new to this board and I'm just wondering what otherss experience has been regarding recovery from the surgery. I'm 5 days out from duel chamber PM surgery and am still very fatigued.


Hello toms!!

by Lisarose - 2011-09-19 05:09:04

Welcome to the site!! I am a rather new member myself, but you will quickly find that by spending the time to read present and past posts, you will learn a lot!
I agree with Pam, hang in there, and don't be afraid to bug your doctor or care team if anything seems amiss, it will get easier, follow the directions you have already been given about use of your arm, infection etc., and know that every day you will feel better. Just a suggestion, if you continue to have questions when you post to this site, maybe include the reason you got your pacer, this will allow other's with similar conditions speak to your concerns :)
Take care and keep in touch...

How Long

by toms - 2011-09-19 08:09:40

Thanks for the positive comments and input. I've talked with the pa several times about my slow recovery, but she didn't have much to say either positive or negative. I'll be seeing my cardiologist tomorrow morning (push up a week), so maybe he'll be more definitive.

Since my surgery I've been keeping regular tabs on my pulse rate at it seems to be fine;I'm also not having any issues with the incision area. I suspect something is not calibrated quite right. BTW, it took three years to figure out, but I have been recently diagnosed with sick sinus/ bradycardia.

Only 5 days out?

by Sue H. - 2011-09-20 09:09:39

Give yourself more time for your body to heal. I too was very fatigued for sometime after receiving my pacer (bradycardia) but after going back for a follow up at which time they adjusted the settings on the pacer to suit me, I started feeling a lot better.

You may just have the standard factory settings and need adjustments for your lifestyle.

Your body has been without the proper amount of oxygenated blood due to the slow heart beat so give it time to adjust to all the good oxygenated blood. You'll start feeling better soon.

Good luck and keep in touch.....


hi toms

by Hot Heart - 2011-09-22 10:09:50

i felt so awful after getting my pm, dont know how much was to do with the pm and how much to do with the liposuction i had which went wrong and possibly caused the heart block. for about 6 months i didnt feel right, then i got my rate response turmed on and wow i felt amazing instantly!


You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.