change to PM setting

i am just over 2 months post PM implant. Yesterday I had a check-up. All was fine but the doctor changed my higher setting from 120 to 135. He stated that I could have more energy this way when I work out. My lower setting is 65. However, I have been feeling tired and weird since my visit yesterday... fast rate, tired, a little dizzy when i stand, shortness of breath when i walk, etc. Has this happened to anyone directly after a change to their pacer? Will it go away? I will go back to the doc if necessary, but have been feeling perfectly fine since yesterday’s appointment. thanks.



by biceps72 - 2011-10-13 11:10:04

did you get the Pm implant? What is your cardiac problem?

My advice is to give these changes some time, say a couple of weeks. The symptoms might go away but if they don't call yourt cardiologist.

Effect of changes

by ElectricFrank - 2011-10-14 01:10:23

The changes you mention shouldn't produce that kind of symptoms. However, the doc may have made other changes as well.

For me a similar change increased my ability to exercise.


Yes happened to me.

by BatteryPwrd - 2011-10-14 07:10:34

Yes, happening to me. Five months post implant I was doing just great. Had my PM chkd at 5th month(everything was good) but PM setting were changed. Changed without my knowledge. As it turns out (insider info here) the changes were ordered by a new Doctor to cause me discomfort to modivate me to submit to a bunch of tests he wanted. Tests I do not need nor can afford at this time. I am having my PM setting changed back to the previous setting by another but different doctor today.

The long story -

Yes Frank & Thanks. I am learning these doctors are not Gods and to not let them push me around.

I get those symptoms after every interrogation...

by jenny97 - 2011-10-14 09:10:45

I think my heart's just super-sensitive and rebels against being taken over and paced against it's will, as is done during testing. But if the symptoms last more than a few days, and/or worsen over time, talk to your dr right away. Sometimes they change things they don't think are important and don't tell you about. Unfortunately, it sometimes turns out that they ARE actually important.

Good luck!

Good reason to get report

by ElectricFrank - 2011-10-15 12:10:21

This is a good reason to insist on a copy of the pre and post programming report after each checkup.

If you are willing to study the meaning of the settings even if only as a beginner, you will know what if anything was changed.

Even if you aren't inclined to get involved in the settings you at least have a record of the previous settings. These are very helpful if you decide to change doctors and want them to try you back on the earlier ones.

So far I have had a few experiences where a minor change was made without me knowing it at the time. It wasn't deliberate in any of the cases, and even the Medtronic rep wasn't aware that the computer had made the changes without notifying him.



by BatteryPwrd - 2011-10-21 11:10:11

Well its been several days since I had the PM settings set back were they were. Note: It was not the PM's actual settings but the settings "perameters" that were changed. Minor perameter changes, but made a big difference. Doing just great now, I am embracing life again! :)

Broken Sleep.

by graham1 - 2014-01-23 06:01:06

I had a similar experience some time after implantation and went to see my GP. He arranged an appointment with the Sleep Clinic and it was found that I suffered from mild apnea. This condition is supposed to have a link withy PM use. I was given a cpap machine and find it very helpful.

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