Eye tic?

Hello all. In fear of sounding 100% stupid.....I had my ICD installed 2 weeks ago, and for the past 4 days I have had a terrible eye tic (you know, when your eyelid quivers constantly but no-one else can see it!). It is relentless and has never happened to this extent before. Maybe 10 minutes max in the past, which I reckon everyone gets from time to time. I feel dumb asking...but could it be related to my ICD? Karen x



by KarenHall - 2011-08-06 07:08:56

I feel like a bit of a twit now as I googled eye-tics and they can be caused by either stress or too much computer time....which most likely describes me to a T after the events of the past fortnight. So it isb't my ICD sending messages to my eyes...yay!

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