Lead is loose

Hi everyone, I am knew to the pm club as I just had mine put in 2-14-11. Happy Valentine's Day to me huh...:) I just had my first pm clinic checkup yesterday and was told that basically my pm is not doing anything for me because one of my leads has come out. Now I have to have surgery again:( I just got my incision healed and was able to go back to doing all my normal activities. Now I am guessing that I will have to go through the whole 30 day thing again of not raising, lifting, pulling etc. I am so bummed about this but keep trying to think positive about how much better I should feel when It is done.


Wandered that myself

by bettyj - 2011-04-19 12:04:34

I thought that two months was an awfully long time before I went to the pm clinic. I did have an appt. to check the incision while the surgical glue was still on but that was all. Guess no matter how many questins I ask it is still going to boil down to the same thing....more surgery. It seems like they are more messing with my head than my heart because today I think I feel like I did before the surgery...I am going to see if they will get it done ASAP and believe me I will not wait for two months again before they check out the leads again!! Thanks for your response Kathykat11 is helps to talk to people that know what you are going thru. My family means well but they have no idea what it is like to have this foreign object in their chest.

why wass there so long a wait for first appointment?

by kathykat11 - 2011-04-19 12:04:37

Was there any reason given that your first appointment was set for so long out? My first appointment was while I still had surgical glue on the incision. It seems kind of cruel to let you go long enough to completely heal before having the appointment. I would ask that question, after all it is your time and pain they are wasting. My first set of doctors seemed kind of unconcerned about time way from work and down time with recovery. my next set of people take it for granted that you are going to be healthy enough to work and they schedule appointments accordingly.
you will feel better and you should find out why it wasn't found out earlier.

Loose lead

by bettyj - 2011-04-21 10:04:03

Well I am going have the surgery done on Monday and was told that I would probably have to spend the night in the hosp. to make sure everything is connected firmly this time. So wish me luck!!

Loose Lead

by drashmore - 2011-04-23 09:04:20

You'll do fine. I had the same thing happen to me back in Dec. Mine came loose because I caught a terrible cold the first week I had my PM. I ended up coughing it loose. I had just been cleared to drive when I almost passed out and they put me back in the hospital. It was like starting all over again. Just watch your incision, they told me their is a greater chance for infection.

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