Airport Short xray wave scanners

When I go through the airport the TSA team tells me that I can go through the scanners without any side effects on my Medtronics Adapta. To which I reply 'The TSA site doesn't say that.' Do other pacemaker users go through the TSA metal detectors and Short wave scatter Xray screening machines?

It seems that the me that the TSA scatter xray machine picks up anomalies into the body where my PM is located. I would be pulled aside for hand check anyway.



metal detectors

by carissanv - 2012-12-16 01:12:11

Just to clarify, NO. You can't go through the metal detectors OR be wanded. However, the back scatter scanners, YES.

Airport Short xray wave scanners

by jojopacer - 2012-12-16 01:12:11

I always just show my PM id card, and get hand checked.My doctor told me not to go through airport metal detectors or scanners. I did have a TSA person try and tell me it was alright to go through the scanners,I askem if he had a PM, he said no. I asked him if he was a dr. he said no. They promptly got someone over to do a hand check. Sounds like the TSA needs to educate their people on the subject of pacemakers.

I checked with Boston Scientific

by carissanv - 2012-12-16 01:12:31

RE the scanners. For my device it is perfectly safe to go through. I've never been pulled for the pat-down after going through one (LAX and Nationals). In places with no scanners (Reno), I still have to do the pat-down.
I suggest you contact your device maker to be sure, but I was so happy that I don't have to get patted down each time. Nice thing, because I've been making a lot of trips to L.A. this year due to my father's failing health.

By the way, having or not having a PM has nothing to do with whether or not you are pulled aside for a pat down. I went through the scanner a couple of weeks ago and the guy AFTER me got pulled aside.

tsa link

by Tracey_E - 2012-12-16 02:12:01


by patio - 2012-12-16 02:12:24

I have been told that the "new" scanner machines at the airports are ok for me ( from the airport employees) BUT everytime I go though they have to pat me down because they see something on my chest!! Really!? how dumb is that? but I have done it a few times and everything seems ok


by Tracey_E - 2012-12-16 02:12:32

It does say somewhere on the TSA website that the scanners are safe for us.

Scanners are safe. I have never been pulled aside for a pat down after going through the new scanners. If you refuse a new scanner, you'll get one of the enhanced pat downs.

Metal detectors are not safe but there are members who go through and have no problems. If you refuse the metal detector, you'll get a pat down.

Wands are safe as long as they are nowhere near the pm. Wands near the pm are more of a risk than the metal detector, it's the same technology but more concentrated.

My experience

by Okiecrat - 2012-12-16 02:12:57

The instruction booklet I got with my device says no to the walk through metal detectors but yes to the hand wands if they are not passed directly over the device. As far as the backscatter scanner goes, implanted devices have a unique signature and can be easily identified as such by the scanner operator thus no need for pat down. The scanner has always been my choice since it is quick and easy. As for a hand pat down, I don't want another guy feeling around my junk and if a woman is going to be doing it I want it to be in private with at least an hour to take care of what has just been started.



by Suzzy123 - 2012-12-16 09:12:38

You just tell them you have a pacemaker, and you can have a pat down. You can either have the pat down infront of everyone or you can ask for privacy. They have to respect which ever one you request.


by ReWired - 2012-12-16 12:12:50

The Stupid A**holes, yes you will be pulled aside and scanned. But your dealing with bottom feeders agents that has a one track mind that everyone is a terrorist and the actual terrorist is ok since they have already planned everything to bypass TSA and Strict Guidelines.

I dont Fly, and when they are at the Bus and Train I cancel trips. Now the TSA is on the American Roadways, just cannot go anywhere without your PAPERS...

I have gone thru 3 different airport

by janetinak - 2012-12-17 02:12:16

in US with the new scanners. Never had any problems & I am not wanting the new "enhanced" pat downs, thank you.


I've had bad luck either way

by polrbear - 2012-12-17 03:12:26

I'm nearing the point that when I fly (thankfully a rarity), I might as well tell them to go straight to the pat-down. The last time I flew out of the local airport (MSP), I first went through the body scanner, followed by a quick check of the "anamolies," followed by a full pat-down, followed by an intensive pat-down, and was nearly strip-searched. Why? Because my toothpaste is for sensitive teeth and has both potassium nitrate and a base substance of gylcerin. Guess what the chemical sensors flagged it as....

Other places almost wave me through.


by Okiecrat - 2012-12-26 10:12:01

I'm wondering if a couple of us are not getting confused between the walk through metal detector and the X-Ray "backscatter) scanner. The other possibility is that the scanner operator is inexperienced and not properly trained. Considering the turnover at TSA, inexperience and lack of adequate training is a good possibility when being required to have pat down for implanted device after going through scanner.

Conclusion: Backscatter X-ray

by jdfugatini - 2012-12-29 06:12:48

Thanks for the input. Some do & Some don't go through. Some comments are caused by the evolution of the TSA that we let our government force on us without riot in the name of fear.

I'll drop another note to Medtronic and provide an update.

Thanks again!

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