
Hi everyone, I am curious if anyone else has had a issue with there pacemaker like I did recently. While using my vacuum cleaner I was holding cord in left hand and handle with right hand, I experienced a shock of some sort. lt felt like pins and needles sticking in me, like a prickly feeling it was on my left side directly under my pacemaker site. That afternoon I noticed some discomfort in my chest and had some issues with atrial tach, and afib/aflutter that afternoon after the shock. I contacted Boston Scientific and was told that a dual chamber pacemaker does not shock. I am terrified of using my vacuum cleaner. I don't understand why this happened?



Checked out!

by ItsmeWayne - 2013-10-11 11:10:52

Maybe you need to have your PM checked. It may have malfunctioned. Your latent a-fib suggests something is going on.

Have you checked...

by KAG - 2013-10-11 12:10:02

....your vacuum's electrical cord. Sounds more like a problem with it or the electrical outlet. Everything properly grounded?

Time to get

by Theknotguy - 2013-11-17 11:11:14

Sounds like that old joke. I'm not laughing at you believe me. The joke goes,..

Q: What time is it when an elephant sits on your car?

A: Time to get a new car.

I think I'd get rid of the vacuum cleaner and get one of those new fancy ones that won't shock you.

Good luck!

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