pain after 14 years??

I have had my PM for 14 years, and I feel very lucky that I've never had an ounce of complications with it. I never have had any pain around the site...until last week. I started feeling very weird pressure and pain around my PM. It subsided, but on the outer side it is still tender to the touch. No swelling or anything. Im sure that Im over-reacting, but Im a bit concerned. Could this just be muscle pain, should I be worried?? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!! -Patti


Get it checked out.

by Suze - 2007-03-29 07:03:45

After 14 years, I'd certainly see my doctor and get it checked. You could have a pulled muscle, but why take a chance?

Best Wishes,


by Christmmpace - 2007-03-30 02:03:34

Hi Patti,

I've just went through the same thing not to long ago. I was having this really bad pain right underneath my PM and I was told by my EP to take 400 mgs of Motrin for inflammation. I did just that and I feel a lot better. You should see your Doctor and have him do an ultrasound to make sure you don't have any other threatening issues. I hope your okay and see your Doctor very soon. You're not over reacting in any way. It helps to ask question to make sure your not alone in your discomforting time. Take care and I'll pray for you Patti. God is sending you Angels to comfort you and help to soften your pillows, sleep tight. Your Christian Buddy Christmmpace...............James

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