Distance running with Pacemaker/Defib.

I am a 62 year old runner who has run all of my life. I experienced full cardiac arrest on February 28, 2010. I was training for my 10 Boston Marathon and my 19 marathon overall. I was totally blindsided by this event. No pain, no indications of heart problems. No family history, except one brother with heart disease. I was gone approximately 12 minutes. I was immediately given CPR by my wife and brother. EMT's applied shock. I was given Induced Hypothermia for Cardiac patients for 24 hours. I had 2 blockages in my right cornary artery. (99 &89%) Three stents were placed in my heart. Two months later, after a PET study, a Pacemaker/Defib. was installed. I had no damage to my heart from the cardiac arrest.

I would like to hear from other runners with pacemaker/defib..
What is your maximum heart rate as you run?
What has been your maximun distance?
What is your pace per mile?
Have you been advised not to exceed a certain distance?

I currently run 5 miles per day. I have occassionly run 6 miles. My longest post cardiac arrest run is 7.8 miles. I did it without difficulty.

Thanks for input!



by Tracie H - 2010-11-13 08:11:45

What a story! I'm so glad you are here to tell it. Thank God for your wife and brother. Also, congratulations on not letting a PM sideline you. You were given another shot at life; you know how precious it is to enjoy every day of it.

I am a runner for the last 24 years, although I'm a 41 year female. My heart condition came on very suddenly also, although not as serious as yours. I took a few weeks off (I think 3) from running when I was first implanted, but have been running since (almost 3 years). My distances are long - Ironman. My longest distance since getting my PM is 26.2, which I've done numerous times. I can't tell you what my max heart rate is while running as I don't use a HRM. I have an upper pacing limit of 150 and lower of 40. My pace per mile is between :8:30-:12:00 (depending if I'm training, racing a straight run or a triathlon). I am never bothered by my PM while running, other than my scar showing and people staring when it's summer and I wear a hot-weather running tops.

So, go for it. Enjoy it. As for listening to/getting clearance from your doctor, do what you think is best. I rarely listen to my doctor and I'm fine. He hasn't restricted me, but 99% of people I talk to think I'm nuts for doing Ironman races, "especially with a pacemaker!" Whatever. Just enjoy life! Listen to your body. Do what makes you happy. :)

keep running

by julz - 2010-11-18 03:11:53

I was a division 1 athlete in college and I ran the 3K/5K along with XC. My first pacemaker was installed during my college career. I had a lot of problems running after my PM. I found a doctor who understands us crazy distance runners. He installed another lead wire and I have been back to my old running routine ever since. My doc. did say since we are athletes, we are more in-tune to our bodies and we will feel and sense things that normal pts. would not. My settings on my PM are set extremely low bc. my resting heart rate is very low.

Max distance: 15 miles w/ PM (want to start training for a marathon very soon)
Pace: under 8:30
Advised: My doctor knows not to put restrictions on me bc. I am so stubborn! I don't know why you should have restrictions on running? He said to be careful lifting weights bc. in college we use to pull sleds of weight down the football field and the straps went right over the pacemaker incision. You know your body I would do what feels best!

Good Luck and Happy Running!

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