Trying to do a 5K and breathless!

Would love to get some advice from other runners with pacers. I'm 36 yo, workout regularly in moderate to high intensity classes and elliptical. I've been paced since I was 14yo and have congenital transposition and complete heart block. I just had an exercise test and my doc said the results were comparable to healthy teenage athletes, which I find hilarious, since my parents never let me play a sport in my life due to the heart condition. I think that's why I've always wanted to run, but since I never did, I started out slow with the Couch to 5K app on my ipod (which I love). Trouble is, even during the exercise test, my heart rate never got over 160 and I can't seem to break through more than 5 mins of steady running without becoming breathless (I do 40 mins of walk/run combo with little trouble except in the last minute of the run segments). I can do high impact cardio for an hour, but I think that's because classes tend to go high and then slow down a bit every so often. I'm not sure if it's an endurance issue I just need to work through, or if it's because of the pacer settings. Any advice would be so appreciated!!! I signed up for a 5K on Thanksgiving and if I can finish not last, it will be the proudest moment of my life I think.



by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-10-27 11:10:26

Do you know what your upper setting is? Do you wear a monitor when you run? Just curious because I had the same thing happen to me. Once I reached my upper setting my PM would push my HR down making me feel sob and my legs felt like they weighed 100 lbs! I had my upper setting changed to 180 and have no problems exercising now. Like you I have a dual lead/AV node ablated. Could be as simple as a change to your settings. Good luck in you 5k!


Thank you!

by theresaparrino - 2010-10-28 07:10:14

I'm getting on my docs' book ASAP. I'm so self conscious about not being able to do athletic things, I just figured I wasn't in good enough shape. You would think I would know more about this pacer after so many yrs! Thank you!


I agree

by ElectricFrank - 2010-10-28 12:10:50

The setting you are interested in is the Upper Ventricular pacing limit. The Medtronics programmer used for initial implant, replacements, and office checks will automatically set the limit to a value based on your age unless the clinician over rides it. 160 is in that range for your age so likely that is your setting.

Talk it over with the doc and see if you can't get it set higher. It is futile to try to break through the limit. The pacer enforces it by having your heart skip beats. This isn't a good thing as it happens right at the point where your body needs the blood flow.



Also a runner with a PM

by Tracie H - 2010-10-30 07:10:23

Hi -

Congrats on doing a 5K!! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

I'm also a runner and I have a PM. Exercise classes and running are two very different types of exercise. Try not to compare your performance in the two as you'll just beat your head against the wall. If you've just started running, it's very common to be breathless within the first mile. Many running articles will tell you the first mile is the hardest. Your body is adjusting to the load and your adrenaline is pumping hard. Two things you can do:

1. Slow it down the first mile, then pick it up after that.
2. Continue on your walk/run schedule...give yourself some extra time.

Also, please listen to the advice of the others with the upper limits of your settings. Mine needed to be adjusted and I felt much better running after the limits were raised.

Please report back after your 5K!! Are you doing a Turkey Trot? They're the best! I hope you win your turkey!!

Happy Trails to you,

Thanks, Tracie

by theresaparrino - 2010-11-01 11:11:19

That's great advice, Tracie. I have found that I need extra time on the couch to 5K running plan. When I started, I could barely do the 90 secs and now I'm pulling through the 5 mins of running, but I needed almost double the number of wks they said I would need in the plan.
I am doing a Turkey Trot--it's in Abington, PA and it's called the Gobble Wobble, which I find hilarious and less daunting somehow. I'm happy to hear that a setting adjustment might help me. Now if only my doc would get back to me! Thanks again!



by mermaidonfoot - 2010-11-08 04:11:36

I just got my first PM on October 27 and I have been so nervous about getting back into my running. I ran my first Marathon last year (but only keeping around 10 k since then due to my heart) and was curious how it will feel to get back into the swing of things. Of course I am not to run for a couple months still but I am trying to prepare! Thanks for all the great advice and good luck on your Thanksgiving run!! I promise you will not finish last.

Been there, Run that

by Energizer~Bunny - 2010-11-19 12:11:43

Hi Theresa,

My story is pretty close to yours. I was born with a heart block, I got my fist PM at 10yo, and spent my whole life not doing any sports or for that matter anything real physical activity. At 28yo I decided I had to find a way to become a runner, I couldn't stand being on the outside anymore.

It took me 2 years to get to a point where I could do a 5k, but that is because of 2 factors. One was the settings on my PM. My settings where really low, and would allow my HR to get past 140, and my ADL was also low. I could never last 30 minutes of exercise, and just standing at the sink to do my dishes tired me out. Once I got my setting change though I found I didn't have to find the energy to just start a task anymore.

I'm still a slow runner of course, a lifetime of inactivity does not an athlete make. However as to the 5 minute issue, it could be that you are running to fast. I've been in many running clinics over the last couple of years, and when someone can't make it to 10 minutes it is because the are pushing too hard. (and these are regular people). Building up endurance takes time. I would like to encourage you though, that it is possible to get there. :)

Also I find I need more of a warm up than other people, to get things going. If you are running with a group try to work short in a walk at the begging, and swing your arms to get things activated.

I'd love to hear how you do in your race!

Elise :)

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