when bending over, blood rushes to my head it feel like is going to explode

when bending over to carry something or moving things around, and sometimes when I am doing things that required some efforts or physical activities, blood rushes so fast to my head making me feel like my head is going to explode, if I bend over for a longer time (2 to 3 min) my face will turn red then start changing to blue, and my face will gets big like a balloon, also my eyes will turn red, sometimes I faint, and as soon as I stand up or stop what ever I was doing, the swelling and the redness in my face will go away, and everything will go back to normal in last then one minute.
I am not overweight, and I am an active person.
asked my doctor, but he doesn't have an answer.
I had my PM back in 2005



by pacergirl - 2009-05-03 09:05:16

I have suffered from this malady for sometime now. I have mentioned it to my docs and they just give me the look. Like they have no idea what is going on. I like to dig in my garden and this poses a problem for me. Tying my shoes is also a problem. I have to come up it I am bent over for longer than a few seconds. if you find out what is going on I sure would love to hear it.
Sorry if I am only adding to the mystery, but I need to know as well. Just what is causing this head exploding pressure?
I will be looking forward to any replies.
Thank you,

head pressure

by mrag - 2009-05-04 03:05:50

I usually get this head pressure (as if someone was blowing up a balloon in my head) when I exert myself-like walking "down" the sloped drive way is fine, but walking back up almost feels like I'll pass out. Other than "feeling" the pressure, it does NOT show up with increased blood pressure, or pvc's or anything else and if I sit down, it goes away. Asking a doctor (any type) just gets you a dumb look. Personally I think it's related to my meds-amiodarone in particular. What drugs are you taking? This pressure can be quite troublesome and almost, if not, disabling.

Holy Mackerel

by Pookie - 2009-05-04 07:05:28

I've been experiencing the same things for years and just thought it was "normal"...seriously.

I cannot bend over without turning beet red with lots of head and ear pressure, then comes being dizzy.

I have never mentioned this to a doctor, and probably never will, as I too would probably get "the" look. Plus I have other medical issues that have more of a priority.

I have just adapted over the years too. This started happening to me when I was in my teens. I too have to sit to put on my shoes & socks, and gardening...well, I sit down right on the ground too!!!! It's amazing how we can adapt to almost anything.

Personally, I think it's the way my blood pools in my legs or lower body and not enough oxygenated blood is getting up to my brain. Or when bending over, something could possibly be cutting the blood supply off to the brain?

Hmmm...I'm not alone with this one after all.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if one could go chat with a doctor for however long it took and came out with ALL of your questions answered!!! I think that is called La La Land.

But...there is always hope.

Take care,


by skittles - 2015-04-13 11:04:36

I have been looking up and researching online about these same symptoms Now one difference I thought and felt I needed to point out.I do not have a pm. I am 36 years old and have had the same issues for about a year now. So lets think of the weird looks I will get in july when I go for my Physical and speak to my doctor about this. Oh hum what to do. I avoid doing things that require me to bend over. Pookie I agree it is LA LA land.


by Stan Da Man - 2020-01-04 18:29:38

I have difficulty breathing when bent over and have blood rushing to my head even before my ICD implant. Same problem continued after. I had a shock three months ago and immediately got put on Amiodarone. If anything the problem has got worse! I still struggle to breathe when bent over but now my face goes from red to purple and I can literally feel my blood pressure rising and falling. The docs have cut out a load of my meds so that now I'm only on 6.25mg Carvedilol twice a day and Amiodarone 200mg once a day but the problem is still there. Bend over, kneel even dipping my head - struggle to breathe, face turns purple, start to feel dizzy and lightheaded. I'm pretty sure it's the Amiodarone because it was never this bad before when I wasn't on them. 

Docs have been useless thus far...


by Rubes1688 - 2020-03-15 01:59:21

Hi Aziki are they any updates or findings on what is going on? I have the same symtoms and am looking for answers. I made an account just to ask lol

same here

by nicolettechristine - 2023-01-18 22:11:04

i also have been having these symptoms. i don't have a pacemaker (i also just made an account cus this is the only place that has validated this expereince), i'm 24, i am not overweight (i used to be a long distance runner even through college) and i've always been considered "healthy." i didn't start experiencing this til i was about late 22y/o. it's almost impossible for me to practice yoga now as i can hardly do anything that requires bending over, laying down, or putting my head below equilibrium. i've also gotten "the look" every time i bring it up to doctors. does anyone have an update?

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