Exercise Bikes - do they interfere

Hi All,

I was fitted with a pacemaker about 7 weeks ago, I am now looking to get back into it and am looking to purchase an exercise bike.

I am interested in the model York c302 Diamond Exercise Bike.

However I am a little concerned that the electromagnetic drive system for pedalling may affect my pacemaker.

Can anyone provide any info or guidance on this.




by biker72 - 2010-08-30 04:08:27

I bought a cycle ops mag trainer. This fits a bicycle I already have.

The bike shop I work at has a special deal where you can buy a complete rear wheel with cassette and special trainer tire made specifically for indoor training.

Stay away from the department store exercise bikes.

try it out

by Tracey_E - 2010-08-30 07:08:08

Can you try one out first before you buy it? It's probably ok but if it uses electromagnetic drive there's a chance it can cause interference. Most new pm's are well shielded and small motors don't cause problems, and if your device is more than 6" from the motor it usually doesn't cause problems so theoretically it's ok, but I'd want to check it out for myself before committing to it!

I have used several bikes

by COBradyBunch - 2010-08-30 11:08:45

And never had a problem but haven't used this particular model.

One thing, if you are thinking about an exercise bike for home I would go with as few electronic parts as possible. I personally, for home use, recommend a trainer or set of rollers if you are a cyclist already or a spin bike if you are not. Some spin bikes come with electronics that will give you cadence, speed, distance, HR (with a Polar or otherwise supplied strap) and such. Not that the bikes like the one you are looking at aren't great, they are, but if they break down you almost always have to have a service person fix it. The simpler bikes often are less prone to problems and easier to fix.

Like that rear wheel idea...

by COBradyBunch - 2010-08-31 01:08:12

may have to do that... I was just going to get a spindle...

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