My heart is acting up walking upstairs.

I have my pacemaker for 17 days. I can walk alright, ride bicycle, dance, but as soon I walk using stairs, something goes wrong. My heart goes like bum, bum - stop, bum, bum - stop. I feel discomfort all over. Any ideas why?


Good Question

by J.B. - 2010-07-30 01:07:54

I think you will have to see your doctor for an answer to your question. There are any number of reasons this could happen. One could be that settings on your new pacemaker could need adjustments. However, since this does not happen during other physical activity, it doesn't seem likely that your pacemaker is involved. But a new pacemaker need adjustments as the ones we get at the time of implant are not always the best ones for a particular person.

Good luck.


by kariss - 2010-07-30 09:07:53

I have had the same problem. They increased the timing of the rate response. Instead of taking 30 seconds to sense the increase in acivity and increase the heart rate, it now only takes 15 seconds. Since it usually only takes 15 or 20 sec. to climb the stairs, my PM never really caught up to me! Now I consciously slow down on the stairs, and feel much better at the top.

pacer problem

by mendedheart - 2010-07-31 12:07:21

When I had my second pacer implanted last year. It took three months to get the settings right for me. They had my pulse rate 120. They worked on the settings four times & had Medtronic rep come in to help them.
My first pacer (Medtronic Kappa) was great for seven years but this new model I am not to fond of (Medtronic Adapta DR.)
I had this one a year & it needs adjusting often then they like to see me.
So keep on the problem.

Happens to me

by axg9504 - 2010-08-19 10:08:58

2 years now on my Medtronic. When I'm out carrying my photography gear (could be up to 10 lbs sometimes) and walking up slopes I have problems at times with shortness of breath and my heart pounding. The same slope 5 minutes later can be no problem at all. Five minutes later the same slope can be no problem.As noted it is the lag in the rate response. I haven't complained about it since it's not serious. I just push myself through it when I start gasping.

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.