Pulled Lead??

I've been experiencing a sharp pain under my left breast for the past three days and unfortunately it's been getting worse. It's been 7 weeks tomorrow since my PM was implanted, and I started moving and really trying to use my arm last week. Has anyone out there pulled a lead? Is this something that I should be worried about or am I just being paranoid?? If anyone could offer any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks again to everyone who's responded and listened to my ranting and raving over the past 6 weeks. You're all gems.


Thought so as well

by travlin50 - 2010-07-12 03:07:36

I have a bookcase type headboard and without even thinking I reached my left arm over my head to grab the remote. This was just two days after my PM surgery. The pain was horrible and I thought for sure I pulled out a lead. I called the doc and they told me to just monitor the pain and assured me that it is really difficult to pull them out. The pain improved over the next few days and had my 6 week check up and things were fine. I would call your doctor and tell them what is happening to you. They probably will want you to come in and be seen which would be worth it to put an end to your worry. Hope all goes well.

pulled lead

by Hot Heart - 2010-07-12 04:07:41

Hi! Have you tried taking your pulse when you are resting? Chances are your pm is still working if your pulse is at the rate they got you set at.

I pulled my leads trying to reach something in a wheely bin a few months back, I was SORE but it all turned out ok. I think these leads are pretty tough.

I think I pulled mine in my heart and ripped the scar tissue a bit, but its all fine now.



by Tracey_E - 2010-07-12 09:07:34

It would be very rare to pull a lead after 7 weeks but if you are in pain, call your doc and find out what it is. Any chest pain should be checked out. Better safe than sorry!

Thank you

by ABelle - 2010-07-21 01:07:02

Hey guys!
Thank you so much for all of the comments. I went to the doctor last week and the leads are still intact. Yay! I've actual been seeing two cardiologists since the implantation. The one who implanted the device and my regular cardiologist who I adore. The dr. who implanted my device wanted to reposition the wires this week... but my cardiologist said the same thing as you shieldspf. He told me to wait it out and see how I feel, and he was right I feel fine. I actually just got back from hiking in the smoky mountains with my husband all weekend! It was wonderful. No grandbabies to pick up yet, or little ones for that matter.Although hopefully once I'm feeling a little better there will be some in the near future, but I do tend to overdo it when it comes to being active. I'm 8 weeks out now and still not back to my normal excercise routines, which I miss despretely but I am walking close to 4 miles everyday so at least that something! Thanks again everyone. I appreciate it. Anna

check in with doc

by shieldspf - 2010-07-21 01:07:16

Go to your doctor as soon as you can and you will probably be reassured. I'll bet you pulled the heck out of some scar tissue or something from your surgery but that the leads are still in there trying to settle in.

I've had 7 pacers over a period of 20+ years and have had every kind of stretching and twisting pain possible when I've reached or turned the wrong way. None of them have been significant. It just goes with the turf. After all, it's a "can" in there. The only time I really messed the thing up was one time about two pacers ago when I got too active too soon and moved the unit slightly out of place, stretching the "cup" the doc created to put the pacemaker in. As a result, the pacer wiggled around the whole time I had it, not staying still against my chest. Not a desirable outcome. So allow it time to finish healing before picking up grandchildren.

Once you get used to this thing, you'll know what's a normal "ouch". But certainly at this stage, you should have anything and everything checked out just to make sure. And you should do it without delay.

You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

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I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.