
When I had my PM implanted 3 weeks they put in stitches does anyone know how long they take to disolve just wondering because the doctor never told me and im not due to see them for about 4 weeks. Never having stitches before I have know clue.



by Hot Heart - 2010-06-10 02:06:54

Hi mel, mine didnt dissolve, so they cut the last bits out at my 6 week check up. As long as they arent getting sore they should be ok until then.


Under the skin

by cruz - 2010-06-10 08:06:30

I had clear stips on top and they used some sort of surgical glue. The stitiches were under the skin. One of them came through at the outer edge and kept getting caught on things and was very annoying. I was too chicken to try pulling it out and it finally went away. Some of the posters here have said they pulled it out with tweezers, but I was just too fearful to try that. The clear stips took about 4+ weeks to go away. Ask the nurse exactly what and where about the stitches.

No problem pulling them out

by ElectricFrank - 2010-06-11 02:06:42

I got a hold on mine with a pair of pliers and gave it a yank. The stitch came out followed by the pacemaker, then the leads, and finally my heart. I tucked all but the stitches back in. If you do this be sure and put things back in the right order. LOL


Frank--you're funny

by DybHen - 2010-06-11 11:06:23

Frank, you are hilarious.

On a serious note, I too had internal stitches. My doc's assistant has plastic surgery experience so he was very concerned about the perfect scar :-) After 3 weeks a couple were popping out, he just pulled them out with a fancy little tweezer at the office.

Hey Mel

by ABelle - 2010-06-11 11:06:23

My stiches are under the skin as well. I just went back for my 2 week check up and everything looked fine with the incision site. However none of my stitches are visible on the surface. I'll try to post a picture of the incsion site later today. Not sure if this helps or not. How are you feeling otherwise? I'm hoping by the time I'm 3 weeks out I'll feel like a million bucks! Good luck with everything. Anna

internal and external stiches

by Mel P - 2010-06-11 12:06:27

I have internal and external stitches I have loops of stitch at each end of my incision, keep catching them which is why I was wondering how long they will last.

Im feeling okay extremly tired just want to sleep all the time but other than that im fine. Just spoken to the pm clinic because at times when I used to black out (when i get hot, shakes etc which i am still getting) my heart begins to beat really strong and i feel a funny feeling in my chest im going in for a check up on monday. Although i prefer it to blacking out that hurts. :-)

Frank your message made me laugh
Mel xx

hot sweats and shakes

by Mel P - 2010-06-12 02:06:27

Feeling hot and my hands shaking has always been two of my many symptoms before i pass out unfortuatley.
Mel xx

Another thought

by ElectricFrank - 2010-06-12 12:06:31

Feeling hot or experiencing chill like shakes can be a symptom of an infection. It seems odd, but feeling hot happens with a lowering body temperature (like when a fever is breaking) and chills show up when a fever is developing. If you haven't done it already, take your temperature every 15 minutes or so when you are going through one of those cycles.

Glad you liked my description of pulling out the stitches. I have a vivid imagination!

good luck,


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