Another rainy day in Georgia

Well, I'm beginning to wonder if Georgia weeps in sympathy and timing with my heart......LOL.
Eversince my ablation, my rhythm/rate has been horrible. My right atrium is so "angry" that it's causing havoc to the entire southern region.
I seriously don't know how much of this I can take. I know the doc said that it would be 6-8 weeks for things to settle down, but I'm beginning to wonder if this last (4th) ablation did more harm than good. It sure seems like I'm starting back from ground zero, with fears of the unknown regarding what rhythm will bring me down to the ground, and it's especially scary while I'm driving.
They turned my resting rate up to 70, but right now I'm fluttering away at 140. Happy,
I so look forward to the event in September. I'm hopeful that I'll be "fixed" by then. Good grief.....
I don't know if I can bear 6-8 weeks of this, and the way it's affecting the weather......I don't know if others can too. Soon all of Georgia will hate me, and I'll be forced to move..
Any ideas?......Who needs rain......just tell me, and I'll see what i can do to help. LOL!

Angelie (skippy)


Luv ya

by uvagershwin - 2009-04-06 05:04:31

Hey girlie!! So sorry to hear you're down, been feeling the same for almost a year. Let's form a club!!! I like the rain, but most people don't so let's switch places!!! Anyway, wish I could help by bringing you some warm chocolate chip cookies or something... I find that those always make EVERYTHING better. :)

Take care of yourself and relax as much as possible, Sydney

:) :) :)

need rain

by Tracey_E - 2009-04-06 09:04:52

We've been in a drought for 3 or 4 years now, I'm sure the farmers would pay a fortune to have you here if you can prove you abilities. ;o)

Sorry to hear you're still feeling yucky! I hope your doctor is right and things settle down. Are you trying to work now or chilling?

(I'm back, if you hadn't figured it out, lol)


by susan - 2009-04-08 09:04:31

Had three ablations-first 2 did nothing,3rd was the av node,so have been pm dependent for 9 years. My rate has been set to 60-120, and seems to work well. I am very active,but they had to change settings a few times to get one to work for me. Talk to your dr.

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