
I had my PM installed last Thursday, 4/15 (tax day) and the bruising on the PM side of my chest (left side) is extensive. I am black & blue from the upper part of my left arm to the top of my stomach. I expected some bruising from what the doctor said but this seems to be excessive. The bruising and its associated pain is my main issue. Although I seem to feel better each day, seems like the bruising is slowly expanding. Is this normal?



by Angelie - 2010-04-21 05:04:32

Isn't a Nutria a giant water rat?

I agree with tracey, call your doctor and tell him what's going on, or better yet just go to his office so he can SEE what's going on.

Hope things gte better for you,


by Pookie - 2010-04-21 09:04:03

Personally, I'd get it checked out asap.

Just my opinion, but that doesn't sound normal.

Better safe, than sorry....and for peace of mind :)

Take care,

re: bruising

by irisheyes317 - 2010-04-21 11:04:23

I to was extremely bruised after my ICD. It showed up after almost a week after surgery, not right away. Mine was from my shoulder, my entire breast and down my side, almost to my hip bone, almost black, and it lasted over a month. I did call right away and was told that is very normal, that gravity pulls the excess blood into the tissue and that some of us bruise easier than others. At my 1st & 2nd post check-up, I asked again, as it was still very noticable and was again told, it was pretty normal. But I'd call your doc just to be on the safe side. Again, my bruising did not show up for almost a week post op. Incidentally, the same thing happened after my Cardiac cath. I was bruised from my groin to the soles of my feet. 'Guess I'm just one who bruises easy. Have it checked out tho and good luck.


by Tracey_E - 2010-04-21 12:04:17

Bruising is normal but that sounds pretty extreme. I've had bruises show up later, but again, nothing as extensive as what you're describing. Are you on aspirin or blood thinners? That would cause excessive bruising. I'd call and ask to be seen.

Be safe

by qwerty - 2010-04-21 12:04:35

TraceyE is pretty knowledgable. You might ought to call the Dr. I know my bruises didn't show up for a couple of days, and my shoulder was really bruised and around the incision. My shoulder turned pretty colors for several days, but I think after a week, the colors started fading.

Good Luck and keep us posted.


by nutria - 2010-04-22 09:04:35

I would just like to thank everyone for the advice. It really helps to have a support site like this where all of us have been through similar situations. I had my PM installed on 4/15 and stopped taking coumadin 8 days prior to that and I have not resumed any of that. Similar to irisheys317, i think that i just bruise easily. When I had my previous angiograms, lots of bruising normally was a result. The bruising seems to have stopped spreading and the pain is much less. I see the cardiologist on Monday. From instructions after the PM install, the dr. told me to begin coumadin Friday (tomorrow) but i think i will wait till i see him on Monday. Thanks again to all.

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