This is all so new

Hi, I just found this website and am thrilled to see that there are others here for support. I just had a pacemaker put it after finding out I had a high level AV block in my heart. I am only 41, the mother of 3 girls, and am having a hard time accepting that I now must live with this device in me. I'm 3 days post-surgery and am still feeling very, very tired. Is this normal?



by Tracey_E - 2010-02-25 04:02:31

I also have av block, I was born with it. I'm 43 and a mother of two. I've had a pm since 1993.

Three days isn't long, it's not surprising you're tired. Anesthesia can have effects that last a few days and pain meds can wipe you out. And your body just needs some time to heal! Most people feel significantly better by the end of the first week, back to normal within a few weeks. Nap when you feel tired and don't push it.

Please don't be shy if you have more questions! Living with a pm seems scary and overwhelming at first, but most of us find we feel great, once we heal we get on with our lives and forget about it.


by francine1 - 2010-02-25 04:02:57

Fatigue in my experience (PM 2/11/10) is definitely a part of this. Today was my first day without pain medication (16hrs without). I pray that you continue to improve and be sure to be good to yourself!

Your own pace

by qwerty - 2010-02-25 06:02:29

I have had my PM for 5 weeks now. It has gotten better almost everyday. But everyone is different, and ronaldo had very good advice. It is what it is. Take time to let yourself heal. With 3 girls, this will be a challenge, but let them take care of mom for a while. It will be worth it in the long run. Do what you feel like doing, but rest when you feel you need to.

This is a great board.. Welcome.

Welcome Karen

by Pookie - 2010-02-25 09:02:23


You just found an awesome support group!!!

The members on here will help you thru your new journey. Ask any question or as many as you want.

There is also a great SEARCH feature - upper right hand corner of the screen.

Everyone is different, no doubt about that and we all heal at different speeds. I agree with Ronaldo and Qwerty...take it day by day and don't be disappointed if you don't heal as fast as you thought. Some people do heal quickly, some take longer.

The acceptance part of having a device planted in your chest is another part of your journey too (along with the healing). If you find yourself getting down, seek help, as many of us had to do this too.

I will send you a few interesting articles via private message that I think might be of some help to you.

Take care & Welcome!!!
Pookie (Karen)


by cjames - 2010-02-26 05:02:41

I got my pacemaker Nov.22, 2009. I am 46 yrs. old and have 2 children. This was a very difficult adjustment.I feel better and stronger each and everyday. But it takes awhile and 3 days is not enough. What is consider very routine surgery for these Doctors and nurses is NOT ROUTINE for us. You will be fine and really you will be great. I feel normal now but... I can't sleep on my left side anymore. It just is not comfortable. And the area where the pacemaker is located (left side just below collarbone) is very sensitive at times. Sometimes it is just not comfortable. But all in all...I am very thankful for the my knowledgeable Docotrs and nurses and thankful that this heart problem can be fixed. I think daily about grace, hope and faith. Plus I know an art teacher who's granddaughter has a pacemaker and she is ONLY 11 yrs. old. I had to have a talk with myself and get on with life and living. GOOD LUCK!!! May peace be with you. cjames

Hang in there...

by painthorse - 2010-02-26 11:02:55

About 35 years ago I watched my mom struggle with her heart problems which apparently are genetic as her mom suddenly died rather young. PMs were in, out, in out...and ugh how she struggled. My pacer doc told me along time ago that perhaps if she had had available to her what we have available to us that perhaps she would be a happy old lady today. I am constantly awed at being 60 years old and able to do what I am able to do. Granted, I have my ups and downs and thanks to the people on this site, I have found help to get back up from my most recent down. You'll love 'em and you will feel their hugs where ever you are!!

Hang in there!!

painthorse pat

hi karen welcome to the site

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-27 01:02:59

I totally understand how you feel, I was devastated when I got my pm for heart block at 55, thought I was much too young, and hadnt been ill, so it was a massive shock.

After being in here for a while we all realise that we arent alone and that there are in fact people much younger than us with a pm.

I've had mine for about 16 months now and its fine, just live your life with the security that if your heart rate drops theres a little insurance policy inside you to take over, we are much safer with our pms than without them.

Ps. I'm off to a rock concert tonight and will be boogying until late, drinking red wine and enjoying myself! lol


I know what you mean

by heartu - 2010-03-01 11:03:02

I got my pm last Wed (2/24) and woke up this morning around 6 am feeling great. Well now at 11 am I feel like most of my energy iz zapped. In fact, about half an hour ago I started to feel woozy, but my bp and heart rate were good. I think I just overdid it.

My husband does not fully understand why I still feel tired and I guess I tried to prove to him that I am much better. Thank goodness for everyone here who can empathize with how we all feel.

I will take a nap now...

You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

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