I'm beeping!

Hi! 'Had my Medtronic ICD implanted 3 1/2 yrs ago & was told battery life would be about 7-8 yrs.All was fine at my last check up 6 mo. ago & was told i had at least another 5 ys with it. So Ive been hearing a beeping sound every morning at 10:23. I've been going crazy trying to find out where its coming from! Lifting up cushions, thinking its a lost cell phone,, checking laundry baskets, searching under the bed, etc. Then I get a call from my E.P.'s office that my battery needs changed, since they do the phone monotoring thingy I argued w/ them that they were wrong & sent them my own test via phone. Again, the results were that my battery needs changed. Then it hit me... the beeping I heard is coming from me!!!! FREAKY!! So Im scheduled for the battery change on Tue. 7/22/14. What the heck happened to make this battery die in such short of time??? Is there a recall on Medtronics ICD's or something? (a search nets nothing). Im pretty sure a battery change means a total ICD change with chest muscles cut yet again. What am I in store for??? Recuperation time?? I had a hard time accepting "Gizmo" in my chest in the 1st place, like it was an alien in me. But after a few months, I came to grips with it. Please share what Im in store for. Im so scared and cant afford to take any more time off as I've had 3 quite extensive back surgeries since since Gizmo became a part of me. And the "beeping" is freaking me out! Thanks so much!! irisheyes



by irisheyes317 - 2014-07-20 02:07:05

You gave me quite the laugh! My "beeping" sounds ecactly like a British police siren!!! Why cant they program it to sound like the national Anthem...or better yet, Blurred Lines!! LOL I know it has to be done. I also know that for as much as I cried & boo-hoo'd about getting the ICD (& accepting it), that I really did need it & I again became the "Energy Bunny" that I once was, My EF & heart size went back to normal w/i a month or 2. Since I do have 3 leads & pace @ 100%, Im guessing that is the reason for a low battery??? But dont tell me its fine & I have 5 yrs left & suddenly I need a battery change. I dont do surprises well! So far, they said the leads are unaffcted & its just a simple procedure but chest muscles have to be cut. That means pain & limitations. You are right basically, it is what it is & I have to do it.Doesnt mean I have to like it or that the fear is not there. Incidentally, the ICD was a piece of cake compared to the back surgeries! Now, may i ask why you wont have a Medtronic device implanted?? Just wondering if its the brand itself or a choice not to have an ICD at all? Thank you so very much for your reply.

MUCH easier

by Tracey_E - 2014-07-20 08:07:57

I've had 4 replacements now. If the first was a 10, replacements are a 2-3. They go in the same place so it's all scar tissue and heals quickly. No restrictions this time on movement since they leads (theoretically) don't need replaced. The only restrictions will be on the incision until it closes. Easy! If you can switch your surgery to Thurs or Fri, you should be fine to go back to work Monday and not take time off.

I would ask some more questions about the big change in expected battery life. Confirm your leads are in good shape. I had a sudden drop in battery life on my 3rd one, but I knew to expect it because a lead went bad. They had to turn up the juice to get the signal through so it shortened the battery life considerably. Six months ago when they said 5 years, could they have meant from the time of implant? 3-5 years is about right for an ICD, they go through batteries faster than pm's.

Such an opportunity!!

by Lurch - 2014-07-20 10:07:46

If I knew my ICD was going to make that noise at exactly the same time everyday I am afraid I would have to have some fun with it!!

At that time of the day, I would ensure that I was in a conversation with someone, preferably someone who likes to tell tall tails. As it went off you know what they would ask what that was!

"That's my BS alarm!"


by irisheyes317 - 2014-07-20 11:07:44

I might have used it to my advantage if surgery wasnt scheduled in a few days and it didnt freak me out so much!.At least we can find some humor in it! Thanks everyone for your responses. So grateful for this site!!

New ICD yesterday

by irisheyes317 - 2014-07-24 12:07:45

I guess my prcedure went well..Im still here. The Dr. told my hubby that I had an episode of A-fib & they had to use the (shock) paddles on me. Thank goodness I was "under"!!! LOL Just really sore today, like I got kicked in the chest but I expected that. Thank you all for your responses!

Congrats Irisheyes317

by CincyGirl - 2014-07-30 10:07:20

Glad to hear that your replacement went well. It's always good to have it behind you. I'm on the lookout for when my ICD goes off again. The last time was 4 years after the first (2010). It sounded like a garbage truck backing up. Funny enough, a year after I had my first replacement I was visiting my mother back home and heard that same beeping noise. I went into panic mode and thought "it can't be"! I just had it replaced. After a couple episodes of this I came to realize it was the new coffee maker my mother had purchased! LOL! Boy was I relieved! Be well!

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