New to site with new PM complication

When looking on the internet for info about a recent DX I was given, I stumbled on this site. I can't seem to find the info I am looking for. Perhaps, u can help?

St. Jude PM was implated in 2004 when I was 31, following an ablation I had in 1997. I hoped the ablation would control my crazy heartbeats of 220+, but my heart was damaged during ablation. I survived for long time w/o PM and had 2 kids. But alas, it did not last. I was in 3rd degree heart block with a rate of 30 when I found out I needed a PM ASAP. 2 wks later a PM was implated. It was a shock and I had a very hard time considering my age.

PM implanted beneath muscle so you can't see it, and that helped my ego. 2 days later, my left breast would vibrate & bounce every so often. Found out it was the auto-recapture and it was turned off. No more bouncing! (Made hubby happy but uncomfortable for me. lol) Was told very small majority of pts. have this problem with recapture. Of course it would be me.

Fastforward to present. Going to gym and not really eating much but gaining weight. Stressed out beyond heck. I have only gained about 15 lbs (mostly muscle) but it was the 15 lbs I had lost prior to June. I have recently begun getting really dizzy when doing cardio or moving my arms above my head. Went to dr. and had a lexiscan test performed. Got results day before Thanksgiving. Apparantly, the weight and stress affecting heart and venticular valves not in sync. Fluttering too. Loss of heart function. Now I may need a biventricular PM. Dr. wants me to try to lose weight & see if goes away. Said this affects about 30% of PM pts.

Question: Who else had this happen? and did losing weight help? I am nervous to have this surgery.

Sorry for long post. I guess I felt like venting. :)



by jessie - 2009-12-04 02:12:59

awake here in ontario canada. ddon't apologize. that is what this site is for.i never had this ahppen but losing weight might help as your dr. says. it must be really hard to have to have a p.m. so young. i am 68 and mine was mplanted 3 years ago four this summer. i have been lucky no problems. dual lead medtronic for 3rd degree heart block. right now it is late here but can't sleep. i have a case of shingles. i will sleep later. i am lucky i am retired. it wasn't bad to get the p.m. my pulse was 28 and i had no energy. you might just lose the weight when your heart rate is up. welcome to this is a wonderful site with wonderful people and you can get much help here. really they sedate you a bit and implant is probably much the same. so hope this helps. jessie

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The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

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I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.