Blood Clots???

Good Afternoon,

Has anyone experienced blood clots after their surgery???

Today is my one month anniversary since my CRT-D implant and those 30 days have been relatively challenging, including a severe flare up of Gout that's slowing abating.

Now I noticed a lump in my left PCP says it's a blood clot...probably related to the surgery. He seems to think it is in a so called superficial "cephalic"l vein and should resolve itself without further complication...not headed for the lungs. I see my Cardiologist tomorrow for my one month check up and I'll also get his opinion.

Just curious if anyone else has had this experience.




Hi Ron

by pacergirl - 2010-01-06 07:01:58

Yes, there are a few of us here who have had to deal with blood clots.

I am currently very sick with "Flu like symptoms" and have just been release from the clinic.

If you do a search (upper right hand side of this screen) under blood clots you will find a lot of information. I'm sorry I can't help you more tonight... just very, very sick.

Take care,

How does he know?

by lenora - 2010-01-06 08:01:11

Ron, how does he know it's in a superficial vein? Ask your cardiologist to do an ultrasound to be sure. I hope you're already on a blood thinner or an aspirin. Lenora


by Ronniecolorado - 2010-01-07 09:01:26

Thanks for the comments!


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